Earth Day Network Philippines

“Believing that all action and change must begin within us is the foundation of the 10 Million Movement ------ it is an expression of individual and collective will, an enlistment to gather 10 million commitments from Filipinos to change their ways by taking simple personal actions.”

I, the Undersigned, pledge:

a) to be proactive in contributing a solution (i.e. proper e-waste disposal)
b) to take every opportunity to educate others in protecting the environment
c) to support all advocacy campaigns addressing climate change

I authorize ICT Davao, Inc. (IDI) to submit this form, in support of the Earth Day Network Philippines' 10 Million Movement.

The 10 Million Movement upholds that “environmental security is the highest form of national security!”

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The Davao Can Do! petition to Earth Day Network Philippines was written by ICTDavao and is in the category Environment at GoPetition.

Petition Tags

ict e-waste e-tapok davao maej