#International Affairs

On June 30th, the Egyptians expressed themselves, through the Tamroud movement where millions signed a petition and millions went to the street to ask for Morsy's resignation and to organise early elections.

The army, to prevent a civil war, like the one in Iraq and Syria, went down in the streets and protected the millions from the thugs of the Muslim brotherhood. Since then, CNN has been reporting it as a coup, despite the months of work that preceded the revolution. It is an unprofessional, biased and untruthful reporting.

CNN is not anymore “The Worldwide leader in news” and definitely not trusted anymore.

CNN used to be a respected source of news reporting. It has lost its objectivity and balance. It continues to do so in reporting the latest events in Egypt.

Failing to be objective gives fuel to the Muslim Brotherhood, which is a terrorist organisation, to continue disrupting the life in Egypt, it continues its acts of violence against the peaceful inhabitants of Egypt, and it continues its terrorist attacks in Sinai. By doing so, CNN ignores the truth which more that 90% of the Egyptian people are supportive of Tamarud and the revolution of June 30th.

We, the undersigned, call on CNN to be an honest, balanced, objective news source and give the Egyptians the acknowledgement they deserve.

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The CNN in not Objective: Reform CNN petition to CNN was written by Adnan Akoury and is in the category International Affairs at GoPetition.