#Law & Order
United Kingdom

Glogen house bail hostel, home for dangerous convicts, sex offenders and rapists. I call upon the local council and Ian liddiel-granger to take the appropriate measures to have the hostel closed down and moved from the town.

It's not only a danger to our young children but also a strain on our local police force and neighbouring house.

Police are called to attend the home on a regular basis due to absent without leave. Breech of peace and much much more. Tenants live in fear of being so close to such anti social and dangerous convicts.

Dangerous known rapists and child sex offenders are placed here and are free to walk around the streets of our town amongst our children!

The town has accommodated this for a long time and now I feel it's time for a different location?

Why should Bridgwater have the burden of this in our town, with ever more cases arising from children being targeted from known sex offenders? I think we should create the petition and get the hostel moved from our town.

I do not feel safe for my children knowing what type of people are residing there. And feel the council and MP should take appropriate steps in re locating the hostel away from Bridgwater. Let's face it we have done more of our fair share in accommodating the house, and feel it's not Bridgwaters burden to continue to bear!
So who's with me????

We the Bridgwater undersigned and surrounding areas have come together in a petition to call for our MP and council to take immediate action and safeguard our children and residents by removing Glogen House and closing the doors for good.

With police reports of frequent visits and children being targeted from known sex offenders from the hostel, we feel it's time to have the house re-located or closed completely.

It's not Bridgwater's cross to bear, and after years of the house being there, surely it's time for a different location!

The Close Glogen House Bail Hostel petition to SEDGMOOR DISTRICT COUNCIL AND LIDDIEL GRANGER LOCAL MP was written by Tina and is in the category Law & Order at GoPetition.