
As we are facing the coronavirus. Here, we all want to cancel this semester exam for aktu student. We don't have any preparation for the exams. Also,many of the students can't be able to give exam because of the lack of preparations.So, cancel this semester exams.This coronavirus has effected us a lot. So, by the lack of preparation among students, we want to cancel this semester exams. It helps us a lot during this situation. Please promote all the students to the next semesters without any exams.

In this coronovirus situation, with this petition, its a request to sign this. By this petition, it is declaring that cancellation of this semesters exam can be a great option. So ,we all are requesting aktu to cancel this semester exam.

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The Cancel this semester exams for aktu students petition to Aktu was written by Harsh Raj and is in the category Education at GoPetition.