kwaymel@rcdlc.org for His excellency Bishop Peter Baldacchino
United States of America

His Excellency, Bishop Baldacchino of the diocese of Las Cruces has shown a willingness to listen to and understand the needs of the sheep he tends.
This was clearly evident this spring during the most difficult point of the pandemic, when there was an outcry from parishioners to have access to the Most Holy Mass and the Holy Eucharist. His heroic decision, ahead of all the other diocese in the country brought back The Holy Mass and Most Holy Communion to the good people of Las Cruces. Through His courage and strength of leadership many people were put at ease and comforted by the fact that they would not be denied The Lord in His fullness during these most trying times and that they had a shepherd who was concerned for the souls in his charge and active in their spiritual life. A major part of that spiritual life is the relationship we have with our priests and the benefit of having them offer Holy Mass to us, especially in these most trying times. Their presence not only in the sacraments but in their moral support has been a tremendous boost and has most definitely weathered the storm of this pandemic. We respectfully ask that He review our concerns below with an understanding heart, open mind and a shepherdly kindness.
In closing, the desire of Our Bishop on the matter of a "Retreat" and "Need for Brotherhood" can easily be met right here in New Mexico, In comparison to leaving for over two weeks, people for sure wouldn't mind if the Bishop said, Alright for the Month of October we will schedule road trip retreats for each Monday-Wednesday in October and return to our normal duties each Thursday-Sunday throughout the month resulting in 4 separate and distinct retreats, streamlined and efficient.
They could travel all over the state and find interesting places, places of meditation and inspiration such as Monasteries- Our Lady of Guadalupe Abbey in Pecos, Monastery of Christ in The desert in Abiquiu, Our Lady of Guadalupe Benedictine Monastery in Silver City etc etc, there are more.
This is a good, safe alternative to traveling overseas and probably a lot cheaper.

To the attention of His Excellency, Bishop Baldacchino of the diocese of Las Cruces.
The signers of this petition and many others who share the same sentiment respectfully request that you re-schedule the Priestly retreat to the Holy Land scheduled for this mid October.
First and foremost, these difficult times place undue anxiety and spiritual stress on many of the faithful under your care and the need for guidance and nourishment for our souls is rising with each passing day. Daily Mass and the reception of Most Holy Communion along with Reconciliation are essential components for most of us, as they are a great source of strength and foster a spiritual grounding so necessary in these topsy turvy times. Secondly and just as important, you would be traveling to a part of the world that has known its share of violence and has also been hit by the pandemic. We therefore are rightfully concerned for the health of our Priests whom we love. Traveling to a foreign land in these times may also result in your group being held in quarantine upon your return, which would then add to the length of absence from your faithful sheep. We collectively pray that you reconsider and reschedule this trip.

The Bishop Baldacchino please postpone Priest trip to Holy Land, we need our priests with us at this time petition to kwaymel@rcdlc.org for His excellency Bishop Peter Baldacchino was written by Matteo Angrisa and is in the category Religion at GoPetition.