#Arts & Entertainment
York Revolution
United States of America

On April 26, 2017 the York Revolution baseball team cancelled a promotion featuring the "Cowboy Monkeys Rodeo". The show features Capuchin monkeys dressed as cowboys, riding dogs. It is a family friendly show which cause harm to neither the monkeys nor the dogs, but the animal rights group PETA does not agree with that statement. They threatened the team which caused the management to cancel the show.

Let's start fighting back against groups like PETA which DO NOT represent the majority. Let's stop buying tickets to the Revolution's games until they agree to reinstate the event.

Dear Eric Menzer and office staff of the York Revolution:

We are deeply saddened by the refusal of the York Revolution to allow the Cowboy Monkeys to perform in our stadium this year. The show causes harm to neither the dogs nor the monkeys. Your fans enjoy seeing them and do not understand your willingness to cower to minority groups like PETA who represent neither the values nor the ideas of the people of York county.

To right this wrong and show groups like PETA that we will not back down, the signers of this petition refuse to buy another ticket to a Revolutions game so long as the ban on the Cowboy Monkeys is in force. We kindly ask that you alter your decision in this matter to reflect the desires of the people who support our team instead of a vocal minority who are irrelevant.

Your Devoted Fans

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The Boycott the York Revolution until the Cowboy Monkeys return petition to York Revolution was written by Jon Anderson and is in the category Arts & Entertainment at GoPetition.