#Civil Rights
The people of Berkeley
United States of America

We agree that Berkeley should become a Sanctuary City. San Francisco, Oakland, Santa Cruz, San Diego, San Jose, Los Angeles, and Fresno are all currently Sanctuary Cities.

As a sanctuary city, Berkeley will become a city where immigrants’ constitutional rights are protected and they are allowed to freely use all public services, without fear of law enforcement officials.

We, the undersigned, here by request the Berkeley City Counsel to declare Berkeley a Sanctuary City, giving immigrants and undocumented workers, all the same rights and privileges as Berkeley residents.

This is in keeping with similar statutes in the cities of San Francisco, Oakland, Santa Cruz, San Diego, San Jose, Los Angeles, and Fresno.

We feel that it is unjust to prevent immigrants and undocumented workers the rights to public services in the city of Berkeley.

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The Berkeley should become a Sanctuary City petition to The people of Berkeley was written by Rico Tombari and is in the category Civil Rights at GoPetition.

Petition Tags

Sanctuary City