Bell TV (ExpressVu)

On Sunday, February 27th, 2011, Bell TV discontinued / dropped the Baby First TV channel.

For most of the provinces / territories in Canada, Bell was the only cable/satellite company carrying this channel.

Baby First TV provides educational / developmental programming for infants and young children. The content is very unique and in most cases cannot be found on any other television channel.

Bell's decision to drop Baby First TV is significantly different than decisions to drop other channels because it directly impacts our children, who are incapable of rationalizing why the decision was made. Our children only understand that they can no longer watch their favorite shows and are obviously upset by this.

Few things are more painful for a parent than to see your child visibly upset, while at the same time being powerless to solve the problem.

Baby First TV is a unique and invaluable resource for Canadian families and we as parents want our children to continue to have access to this channel.

Thank You.

We, the undersigned, ask Bell TV to please reinstate Baby First TV as soon as possible.

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The Bell TV Bring Back the Baby First TV Channel petition to Bell TV (ExpressVu) was written by Ernest Aleixandre and is in the category Television at GoPetition.