#Animal Welfare
Anyone who cares for the welfare of animals

The Chuck Wagon Races have been very popular for many people for many years at the Calgary Stampede but is it really worth the lives of innocent animals who don't have a choice?

On Thursday, July 12th, 2012, 3 more horses had to be put down for 'sport' after they had crashed. One more horse from this same crash has serious injuries and will be needing surgery. This doesn't include the many other horses that have died from many other causes throughout the years. These deaths include crashes, heart-attacks and pure exhaustion, among other things. These horses are experiencing the worst kind of deaths imaginable because their last living moments, they are suffering from so much pain.

The rodeo is a fun and exciting event but do we really need the Chuck Wagon Races? This is simply cruelty to animals masquerading as entertainment and it needs to be stopped.

We need to take action to stop these deaths from occurring every year. The safety improvement have clearly not worked so out next step is to stop this from happening altogether.

Please sign if you believe in animal welfare. These horses need better lives and to not be used in brutal entertainment.

We, the undersigned, are taking action to eliminate the Chuck Wagon Races once and for all.

Help save the horses from these brutal events used as entertainment.

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The Ban the Chuck Wagon Races once and for all petition to Anyone who cares for the welfare of animals was written by Alexis Burke-Harland and is in the category Animal Welfare at GoPetition.