To Show Extreme Interest to have the Large Tee PadsInstalled

The Disc Golf course at Steen Park in Aylmer Ontario has Large Tee Pads ready to be installed. We hope to show the Town of Aylmer that there is extreme Interest in having them installed.
They were initially planed to be installed in 2019.
The current small tee pads are un safe because of there curb like edges.
The course is very often used and would greatly benefit from larger and safer tee pads.

Aylmer Disc Golfers!

We Need You!

Please help by signing this Petion to inform the Town of Aylmer of the Extreme interest in having the Large Tee Pads installed.

The time has come to replace the current tee pads that are small, slippery and ultimately Un-safe with the "curb like edges".

Please Sign the Petition to Share Your Interest!

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The Aylmer Disc Golf Tee Pad Installation petition to To Show Extreme Interest to have the Large Tee PadsInstalled was written by Trent Lagrandeur and is in the category Sports at GoPetition.

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