Independent Oil and Natural Gas Producers and Royalty Owners
United States of America

President Obama's budget for fiscal year 2010 shows a $30+ billion dollar tax increase on oil and natural gas producers. This item was created to help fund alternative energy projects.

In the proposed budget, the President removes essential incentives from the oil and gas industry; measures that are critical in a high-risk investment industry.

Major integrated oil companies and thousands of independent oil and natural gas producers make up the American oil and gas industry. This plan will affect all domestic companies that drill and produce oil and natural gas in the United States.

They will lose incentives that provide necessary investment capital for exploring and producing a reliable domestic energy source. Exploration and production will decline dramatically without them. This vital industry sector will lose trillions of dollars and thousands of jobs; and the country's energy security will be threatened.

Ask Congress to say NO to the President's proposal to repeal these long-standing incentives and impose new taxes on the oil and gas industry.

Tell Congress that passing the proposed budget will increase energy costs and cause American jobs to disappear.

By signing this petition, you ask Congress to say NO to the President's proposal to repeal these long-standing incentives and impose new taxes on the oil and gas industry.

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The Ask Congress to say NO to the President's Tax Increase on the Oil and Gas Industry petition to Independent Oil and Natural Gas Producers and Royalty Owners was written by AIPRO and is in the category Government at GoPetition.

Petition Tags

oil gas