#Students' Rights
Canton ISD School Board
United States of America

We are seeking to amend certain aspects of Canton ISD's current dress code policy. We feel that the attention placed on certain restrictions is outdated and unnecessary. The policy leaves no room for individual expression and is a misuse of time and effort on behalf of the student and the administration. We feel that our children should be able to make choices about their appearance without being shamed or judged. We do not feel that it is the purview of the school board or Canton ISD faculty to enforce a personal preference concerning the appearance of our children. This is a right and privilege afforded to the parents. If we do not allow our children to begin to make choices for themselves and to either succeed or fail in their attempts, we are not preparing them for the world they will enter in just a few short years.

We, the undersigned, call on the current CISD school board to undertake certain amendments to the dress code, such as, hair length, color and facial hair policies.

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The Amend CISD Dress Code petition to Canton ISD School Board was written by Summer Smith and is in the category Students' Rights at GoPetition.