#Gender Rights and Issues
Human Rights/ LGBT
United States of America

The right to life of every person is INVIOLABLE, and shall be recognized at life’s beginning, which is conception.

The right to life is the most fundamental and paramount right of any person. Natural (human) right --- "to use his own power, as he/she will himself/herself, for the preservation of his/her own Nature; that is to say, of his/her own Life; and consequently, of doing anything, which in his own judgment, and Reason, he shall conceive to be the aptest means there unto." (Leviathan. 1, XIV)

To deny this right would be absurd. Due to the fact that the idiom, “Inalienable Rights” (or unalienable rights) refers to a theoretical set of individual human rights that by their NATURE CANNOT BE TAKEN AWAY,VIOLATED, or TRANSFERED from one person to another. They are considered more fundamental than alienable rights,
What this society lacks is, understanding due to the FEAR of educating themselves to learn. This lack of tolerance is an example of “The Allegory of the Cave” by Plato, which represents an extended metaphor that is to contrast the way in which we — REFERRING TO PEOPLE WHO DISAGREE WITH FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION,LIFE,RIGHTS & ETC…) perceive and believe in what is reality in their circle.

In Congress, July 4, 1776 Declaration of Independence
“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain “unalienable Rights”, that among these are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness. --That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government.”

The right to life of every person is INVIOLABLE, and shall be recognized at life’s beginning, which is conception. The right to life is the most fundamental and paramount right of any person. Natural (human) right --- "to use his own power, as he/she will himself/herself, for the preservation of his/her own Nature; that is to say, of his/her own Life; and consequently, of doing anything, which in his own judgment, and Reason, he shall conceive to be the aptest means there unto." (Leviathan. 1, XIV)

To deny this right would be absurd. Due to the fact that the idiom, “Inalienable Rights” (or unalienable rights) refers to a theoretical set of individual human rights that by their NATURE CANNOT BE TAKEN AWAY,VIOLATED, or TRANSFERED from one person to another. They are considered more fundamental than alienable rights,
What this society lacks is, understanding due to the FEAR of educating themselves to learn. This lack of tolerance is an example of “The Allegory of the Cave” by Plato, which represents an extended metaphor that is to contrast the way in which we — REFERRING TO PEOPLE WHO DISAGREE WITH FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION,LIFE,RIGHTS & ETC…) perceive and believe in what is reality in their circle. The goal of the Allegory of the Cave is education, it is to drag every man/woman as far out of the cave as possible. Education should not aim at putting knowledge into the soul, but at turning the soul toward right desires.

All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of bruhhood. So I conclude in the words of Suheir Hammad---

Affirm life. Affirm life.
We got to carry each other now.
You are either with life, or against it.
Affirm life.


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The AFFIRM LIFE petition to Human Rights/ LGBT was written by Tonja Robinson and is in the category Gender Rights and Issues at GoPetition.

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