Tiktok marketing department

TikTok has become one of the most popular social media platforms in the world, and its advertising options have become an essential tool for businesses to reach their audiences. However, TikTok Business Advertising is not currently available in Algeria, which limits the ability of Algerian businesses to use this platform to promote their products and services.

Algeria has a thriving entrepreneurial community, with hundreds of thousands of businesses eager to advertise on TikTok. By adding Algeria to TikTok Business Advertising, TikTok can tap into this lucrative market and provide Algerian businesses with the same opportunities as other countries to advertise on TikTok and reach a wider audience.

We, the undersigned, call on TikTok to add Algeria to the list of countries that can access TikTok Business Advertising. This will provide Algerian businesses with a platform to showcase their products and services, and reach a wider audience on one of the most popular social media platforms in the world.

By adding Algeria to TikTok Business Advertising, TikTok will not only support Algerian businesses but also create a new revenue stream for the company. We urge TikTok to take this step and help Algerian businesses and creators succeed on their platform.

Join us in demanding TikTok to add Algeria to TikTok Business Advertising and create new opportunities for Algerian businesses.

Sign the petition to demand TikTok to add Algeria to TikTok Business Advertising. Share the petition to help Algerian businesses reach a wider audience.
Use those hashtags in your future tiktok videos :

"وقع العريضة للمطالبة بإضافة الجزائر إلى الدول التي يمكنها الوصول إلى الإعلانات التجارية في تيك توك. شارك العريضة لمساعدة الأعمال الجزائرية على الوصول إلى جمهور أكبر. استخدم هذه الوسوم في فيديوهات تيك توك المستقبلية:
#tiktokads_in_algeria #we_want_tiktokads_in_algeria"

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The Add Algeria to TikTok Business Advertising petition to Tiktok marketing department was written by Rachid Bensaada and is in the category Business at GoPetition.