Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid
United States of America

The text of the petition you see directly below is exactly the same as the one supplied for signature at the bottom of this page. The only difference between them is that this background version provides links, as well as two footnotes, for anyone desiring more information.


To: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid

We call your attention to these excerpts from a March 8, 2009, Washington Post article by Democratic Senator Byron Dorgan and Republican Senator John McCain:

"More than $9 trillion -- in taxpayer dollars -- has been pledged, committed, lent or spent by the federal government in response to the economic crisis. Some say that if the economy continues to deteriorate, trillions more might be necessary to prevent another Great Depression.

"Yet no one has investigated how this crisis happened. That is irresponsible. A comprehensive investigation is essential to prevent this from happening again."

We, the undersigned, fully agree with the above remarks made by Senators Dorgan and McCain, including their conclusion that, "The recovery and growth of our economy depend on the confidence of the American people. That will be restored only when we have investigated, analyzed and fixed the things that caused today's economic crisis." That is why we support the bipartisan legislation (alt)* they submitted on March 3rd, which is:

"A resolution establishing a select committee of the Senate to make a thorough and complete study and investigation of the facts and circumstances giving rise to the economic crisis facing the United States and to make recommendations to prevent a future recurrence of such a crisis."**

We therefore respectfully ask that you schedule this legislation to be debated and voted on at the earliest available opportunity. The sooner that this or a similar Bipartisan Financial Oversight Committee or Commission is created, the sooner that Congress and the Obama Administration will be able to forge a bipartisan consensus on the best economic policies for our country to pursue in the years ahead!

* * * * * * * * * * END OF PETITION * * * * * * * * * *

*An alternate link has been provided due to the fact that the Library of Congress legislative source is often down for maintenance or suffering from other linkage problems.
**Here are two versions of this legislation's full text: Text: (1, 2)

To: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid

We call your attention to these excerpts from a March 8, 2009, Washington Post article by Democratic Senator Byron Dorgan and Republican Senator John McCain:

"More than $9 trillion -- in taxpayer dollars -- has been pledged, committed, lent or spent by the federal government in response to the economic crisis. Some say that if the economy continues to deteriorate, trillions more might be necessary to prevent another Great Depression.

"Yet no one has investigated how this crisis happened. That is irresponsible. A comprehensive investigation is essential to prevent this from happening again."

We, the undersigned, fully agree with the above remarks made by Senators Dorgan and McCain, including their conclusion that, "The recovery and growth of our economy depend on the confidence of the American people. That will be restored only when we have investigated, analyzed and fixed the things that caused today's economic crisis." That is why we support the bipartisan legislation they submitted on March 3rd, which is:

"A resolution establishing a select committee of the Senate to make a thorough and complete study and investigation of the facts and circumstances giving rise to the economic crisis facing the United States and to make recommendations to prevent a future recurrence of such a crisis."

We therefore respectfully ask that you schedule this legislation to be debated and voted on at the earliest available opportunity. The sooner that this or a similar Bipartisan Financial Oversight Committee or Commission is created, the sooner that Congress and the Obama Administration will be able to forge a bipartisan consensus on the best economic policies for our country to pursue in the years ahead!

The '09 Bipartisan Financial Oversight Committee petition to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid was written by Tom Foreman and is in the category Politics at GoPetition.