香港政府 Hong Kong Government
Hong Kong

一群香港專業人士發起名為「要求政府對話及和平解決政治危機的聯署聲明 」,首批聯署人包括:
專業民主連線, 公共專業聯盟, IT Voice, 民主派會計師, 普選工程連線, 香港認可調解員協會, 莫乃光議員, 梁繼昌議員, 成名(大學教授), 葉劍青(臨床心理學家), 馮偉華(大學講師), 莊陳友(社福界選委), 陳家欣(測量師), 梁兆昌(資訊科技界), George Cautherley, 吳永輝(規劃師,選委), 陸鳳萍(社工), 邱祖淇(大學講師), 馬國明(兼任助理教授), 黎廣德(工程師), 趙家賢(認可調解員, 區議員), 丘律邦(認可調解員), 林立志(英國特許房屋經理學會會員, 區議員), 蘇耀坤 (土木及結構工程師,選委), 莊妙嫦 (見習測量師), 林逸明(資訊科技界選委) 鄧永安(資訊科技界), Paul Zimmerman(創建香港CEO,區議員), 甄文星 (會計師及証券保薦人), 陳啟遠 (土木工程師, 區議員), 賴仁彪(社福界選委), Dr Robin S Bradbeer(資訊科技界選委), 李智明 (土木工程師)。懇請廣傳及聯署。

A group of professionals in Hong Kong have initiated a petition "Urging Government Accountability for Dialogue and Peaceful Resolution of the Crisis". Please spread this message for more signatories.



1. 政府探討成立一個多方平台,討論長遠政制發展;
2. 政府向北京提交民情報告,交代8月底至今包括學界對政改的意見;
3. 在第二輪政改諮詢中,在提名程序及選舉方法等,與各界尋找最大的政治空間;
4. 2017年普選方案並非終局,日後若有需要可再啟動五部曲。





Urging Government Accountability for Dialogue and Peaceful Resolution of the Crisis

We are a group of professionals in Hong Kong and some of us are members of Election Committee for the Chief Executive 2012. We not only support universal suffrage without political screening, but also respect the rule of law and other core values. We hope that the Government and the students can reach an agreement through dialogue as soon as possible, and that our community is able to get back to its normal peaceful order.

On 21st October the Government met with students and made a commitment to settle their differences. The commitment has been deemed a sincere promise made by a responsible government to our community as a whole. It includes:
1. The setting up of a dialogue platform for long term constitutional reform;
2. Government will submit a report to Beijing regarding public sentiments after the 31st August decision;
3. In the second round consultation on constitutional reform, the Government, together with the community, will put effort in seeking maximum latitude for further development; and
4. 2017 universal suffrage is not meant to be an end point, and the five-step constitutional reform can be re-launched if needed.

Unfortunately, we are not aware of any further progress in the Government camp other than meeting with the pro-establishment legislators and pronouncing that the second phase consultation is soon to start. We have also heard accusations from the Government that students were getting more confrontational and thus leaving no room for further dialogue, and that the police are gearing up for mass arrest.

In our view, it is the Government which has closed the door on dialogue with the students. In fact, they have refused to explain to the public the progress of the commitments made on 21st October, particularly, in the setting up of a platform for dialogue and the progress of the public sentiment report to Beijing. We reiterate that the Government is accountable to the public and should maintain an active dialogue with students, with legislators of pan-democratic camp, with professionals and other members of the community, with an ultimate aim to resolve this political crisis.

In particular, we reiterate the importance of dealing with this crisis by a peaceful and rational approach. Political issues should always be resolved by political means. We urge all concerned parties, the occupants, the anti-occupant groups, and the police, to observe maximum restraint and not use any form of violence to serve political or administrative aims. We also urge the occupants to be cooperative when the authorities enforce any Court Order.

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The 要求政府對話及和平解決政治危機的聯署聲明 Urging Government Accountability for Dialogue and Peaceful Resolution of the Crisis petition to 香港政府 Hong Kong Government was written by Professionals' Alliance for Democracy and is in the category Politics at GoPetition.