#Animal Welfare
pet food stores/surpliers

hi, my names jessica. For years now i have been giving my dogs, other dogs chews, like everyone does. a few times i have brought these rawhide bones or chews, and wish i never had! I know of three occasions now were two dogs have choked on them - luckily we was there to stop what ever was about to happen - the other dog i know, choked and sadly died. all because of these cheap, dangerous and nasty things!

i must have read 30+ different stories on the internet (just on one page! one website!) were their dog has choked, been poisened, been seriously ill or died! on rawhide bones or chews!

think if it was your pet, or someones you know and this happened to you or them? its horrible to think what could happen and its even worse if it was to late!

There are many other toys, chews and bones out there that dogs will love! so please sign this petition to try and help me and others ban these dangerous products to stop the hurt and devastation! and DOGS LIVES!

i want to take action on trying to ban RAWHIDE BONES AND CHEWS theres dogs out there becoming critically ill (being poisoned) and some cases death by choking on them! i want people the understand what these can do - there not just a bone or chew for your dog - there DANGEROUS!

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The BAN RAWHIDE DOG BONES! FOR GOOD! petition to pet food stores/surpliers was written by jessica england and is in the category Animal Welfare at GoPetition.