#Law & Order
Florida House, Florida Senate, Florida Bar Association
United States of America

Hillsborough Circuit Judge Richard Nielsen has ruled members of the Muslim Community in Florida may use Sharia Law instead of the Laws of the State of Florida and the USA.

He has further ruled decisions made by the Muslims under Sharia Law must be recognized by the courts throughout the state.

Clearly this is a gross violation of the principal that the US Constitution is the Law of the Land and will lead civil disobedience and disorder as it has in France and other European Countries that have gone down this road.

Judge Richard Nielsen must be recalled.

Circuit Court Judge Richard Nielsen by his failure recognize the Constitution of the United States as the supreme and only law of the land, and as he has violated his solemn oath taken when he was sworn in as a Circuit Judge to protect, defend and adhere to the US Constitution and the Constitution of the State of Florida, and as he has by the abuse of his power allowed the creation of a separate legal system within the State of Florida he has forfeited the right to retain his position on the bench.

We hereby demand Richard Nielsen be removed from the position of Circuit Judge and forevermore ban him from serving as a Judge at any level for the remainder of his natural life.

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The Recall Circuit Judge Richard Nielsen petition to Florida House, Florida Senate, Florida Bar Association was written by Charles B. Motsett and is in the category Law & Order at GoPetition.