#Human Rights
Iranian govt

To cancel execution Shirin Alem Hvly: the Shirin Alem Hvly Support

Life, the right of all humans

Shirin Alem Hvly; girl 28 years old Shirin Hvly to death in Tehran's Revolutionary Court Branch 15 sentenced. Shirin was born in the village near Makvst dry winter. He Persian date Ordibehesht 1387 by Iranian Revolutionary Guards arrested in Tehran and the first 25 days of detention in unknown place under severe physical and psychological torture spent. After that, 209 of Evin prison, was delivered after 2 months of imprisonment to tolerance of female prisoners were transferred. Sweet 28 November 1388 on charges of illegal border exit to endure two years of imprisonment and Tghzyry charge through with PJAK, was sentenced to death.

Fresh from the village near the river Aras deprived and control all their childhood years of poverty and gender discrimination and economic environment has been his life. The bitter experience to see girls Nslsh and their suicides and suicide or tone to that life without love and filled with violence that eventually led him ahead of a forced marriage, where their lives to leave. Shirin court, according to statements issued in the interrogation is torture. However, Article 38 of the constitution of any torture to obtain confessions or information considered prohibited and makes it clear that testimony, confession and oath taken under compulsion of the person, without value and validity of this principle should Violation be punished.

Also fresh in Persian in Tehran and has been interrogated while during his interrogation in Persian domination and not due to low literacy, writing in Persian also was difficult. Shirin Alem Hvly time and after spending more than a year of detention at Evin prison woman to speak about some of the Persian language. Torture, interrogation, despite the state's death sentences and finally he suggests the procedure for this case is unfair.

Our group of human rights activists, while announcing its opposition to the execution and torture, demanding and fair review file and also the young girl called multilateral institutions and supporting human rights organizations to cancel execution Shirin Alem Hvly Support.

بانگه‌وازه‌ به‌په‌له‌كه‌ی‌ كۆمیته‌ی‌ به‌رگری له‌مافه‌كانی‌ خه‌ڵكی‌ كورد داوا ده‌كات هه‌نگاوی‌ به‌په‌له‌ بۆ پێش پێگرتن له‌سێداره‌دانی‌ ژنێكی‌ گه‌نجی‌ كورد بكرێت، كه‌ له‌جۆزه‌ردانی‌ رابردووه‌ زیندانیكراوه‌.

شیرین عه‌له‌م هولو ئاته‌شگا ژنه‌ كوردێكی‌ ته‌مه‌ن (28) ساڵه‌، كه‌ به‌تۆمه‌تی‌ لایه‌نگریكردن له‌(په‌ژاك)، كه‌ گروپێكی‌ تێكۆشه‌ری‌ به‌رهه‌ڵستكاره‌ له‌ئێراندا، سزای‌ له‌سێداره‌دانی‌ بۆ بڕاوه‌ته‌وه‌. شیرین به‌تۆمه‌تی‌ "دژایه‌تیكردن له‌گه‌ڵ خوا" سزا دراوه‌‌و له‌ساتی‌ گرتنییه‌وه‌ به‌رده‌وام‌و به‌شێوه‌یه‌كی‌ به‌رنامه‌ بۆ داڕێژراو له‌ژێر ئه‌شكه‌نجه‌‌و ئازاردا بووه‌ تاكو دان به‌هاوكاریكردن له‌گه‌ڵ په‌ژاكدا بنێت. شیرین به‌درێژایی‌ قۆناغی‌ لێكۆڵینه‌وه‌ دوور و درێژ و تاقه‌ت پڕوكێنه‌كاندا له‌مافی‌ بوونی‌ پارێزه‌ر بێبه‌ش كراوه‌. به‌هیچ شێوه‌یه‌ك مافه‌كانی‌ شیرین وه‌ك تۆمه‌تبارێك ره‌چاو نه‌كراوه

The Shirin Alem Hvly petition to Iranian govt was written by SaiedSanandej and is in the category Human Rights at GoPetition.

Petition Tags

Shirin Alem Hovly