Georgia Juvenile Justice Department
United States of America

The system is failing the citizens of Georgia and the juveniles it is supposed to "rehabilitate." The whole system is premised on by-gone days when children did not engage in many of the types of serious criminal behavior that are common today.

The system was designed to punish "youthful indiscretions (in•dis•cre•tion)" and to send a "message" to the juvenile without stigmatizing (stig•ma•tizing) him/her for life. Furthermore, it used to be believed that such youths really had no control over what they were doing since they were not old enough to really know the difference between right and wrong.

Advocates (ad•vo•cates) and others concerned with our youth must remain vigilant (vig•i•lant), insisting that badly needed reforms be made and safeguarded and that the voices of girls, and boys, in the juvenile justice system not be silenced.

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The Safeguard Georgia's Juvenile Justice System petition to Georgia Juvenile Justice Department was written by basir, raqib and is in the category Youth at GoPetition.

Petition Tags

juvenile justice