#Human Rights
Canadian Federal Government

In Canada there are approximately 250 murdered and missing Aboriginal women. The Canadian Government has ignored the Aboriginal Community and their concerns and refuses to hold an official Inquiry into this matter.

It is time women of all backgrounds join together and demand that the Government holds and official Inquiry into this. They can ignore the Aboriginal Community, they have become experts at this. Can they ignore all of us when we band together? I think not!

When women join together we become a power voice. Our sisters in the Aboriginal Community need out help. It is time for us to step forward and speak out against the injustice they receive from the very Government that should be protecting them.

We, the undersigned, call on the Government of Canada to commit to holding an official Inquiry into the issue of murdered and missing Aboriginal Women before the end of 2016.

We also call on the Government of Canada to work with the Elders of the Aboriginal Community to develop a task force that would have guidelines on how to deal with the issues that came out of the Inquiry by the end of 2017 and that funding would be granted so the guidelines could begin to be implemented in the spring of 2018.

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The Women Standing to help their Sisters from being Marginalized by their Government petition to Canadian Federal Government was written by Women Stand and is in the category Human Rights at GoPetition.