#Law & Order
Honorable Mary Johnston
United States of America

LaMotte Johns in a non-violent, marijuana-only offender who is incarcerated on charges of Possession of Firearm by Person Prohibited and Possession of Ammunition by Person Prohibited. The prosecutor has solicited the court to sentence Mr. Johns to 3-4 years behind bars.

Recently, Mr. Johns made a decision that he, undoubtedly, regrets. He obtained a firearm because his business and residence is in a neighborhood that is continuously penetrated with a number of violent crimes, including robbery. During this time a rash of robberies surrounding his business worried and concerned him enough that he could not see any other way to protect himself other than getting a firearm. Another factor in his decision to arm himself was a little more personal. About 3 years ago violence effected one of his barber just around the corner from the shop. He was robbed at gun point and shot in the side. Also, a close relative and his girlfriend were tied up, beaten and robbed in one of the homes that Mr. Johns was renting out. The criminals even took their furniture.

Unfortunately, with all the incidents his frame of mind was cloud, and he couldn't see any other alternatives. The reality of his possible incarceration began a couple of years ago.

During that time he sought to understand what else he could have done. He learned that he had become what he never wanted, that he had allowed himself to become a product of the negative aspects of his environment. The counsel he sought out, and the advice they gave was invaluable but the weight of his decision hit hard. But, he still got up everyday, five days a week to take and pick up his youngest child from school. He still went to work seven days a week knowing that the counsel he obtained and the knowledge he gained about himself may not help his situation now.

Since his very first incarceration, about 20 years ago, LaMotte has been living a straight and narrow life. Again, LaMotte Johns is the owner and operator of a barbershop. He is also a homeowner, has a Fiancee' (who is the owner and operator of a temporary residential home for convicted sex offenders with drug and/or alcohol addictions). They are the parents of two well mannered children, ages are 12 and 6, who love and respect them.

He is a productive member of society who people know, love and respect. He regularly has pow wows with at risk youth in the neighborhood to talk with them about staying in school, and occupying their time constructively. He's also given these youths jobs around his shop to keep them out of trouble. Friends and acquaintances have, unsolicited, asked him to turn in firearms for them. Since he does want to make a difference in his community he has agreed to make this transaction on several occasions, on their behalf. With all the violent crime taking place in the City of Wilmington, having another non-violent individual incarcerated does nothing to deter the increasing crime rate.

LaMotte does want to do whatever he can in this respect. He would love to continue to be a role model for his children, and his community. He does see the errors he's made, not only recently but throughout his life. He has blind spots that effect some of his decisions and he is working on himself so that his jaded view of situations never again crowd out reason. He does not want this mistake to effect his family or the livelihood he has established. He would love to continue to be a physical, stabilizing factor in his children lives, while overseeing that they continue to flourish socially and excel in both academics and life.

We, the undersigned, call on the Honorable Mary Johnston to take into consideration an early release and/or home confinement for LaMotte Johns, Sr. In addition, we would like for you to consider resending the Motion for Habitual Offender.

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The The early release and/or home confinement of LaMotte Johns petition to Honorable Mary Johnston was written by Doviea Lee and is in the category Law & Order at GoPetition.