#Human Rights

February 7, 2007 - UN War Crimes Tribunal sentences Croatian journalist Domagoj Margetic to 3 months in prison and 10,000 Euro fine. Why is time and money spent on journalists and not war criminals such as Karadzic and Mladic who are still not at The Hague?
The injustice of this so-called court continues.

Please continue to sign the petition, we must demonstrate to this kangaroo court that we as free and Democratic people of the world, we do not agree with their unethical methods.

The real criminals need to be brought to justice or close the kangaroo court down.

We the undersigned citizens of free and democratic nations, plead to prevent the jailing and sentencing of one more journalist - Domagoj Margetic, for reporting previously published information.

We Believe the Hague Tribunal was created to prosecute war criminals and not journalists. War criminals such as Mladic and Karadzic are allowed to remain at large to this day.

We demand justice on an equal and democratic basis, that the court withdraw Domagoj Margetic's indictment because he is a journalist NOT a war criminal.

MORE: http://www.croatianworldwideassociation.com/site/epage/34968_571.htm


Mi nize potpisani gradani slobodnih i demokratskih nacija, zahtjevamo da se sprijeci zatvorskih vremena jos jednog novinara - Domagoja Margetica, koji je savjesno ispunjavao svoju novinarsku duznost informirajuci javnost o listi zasticenih svjedoka, koje je hasko tuziteljstvo prije njega javno objavilo na svojoj vlastitoj internet stranici.

Uvjereni smo da je Medunarodni Kazneni Sud za bivsu Jugoslaviju osnovan da sudi ratnim zlocincima, a ne novinarima, dok ratni zlocinci kao sto su Mladic i Karadzic ostaju do danas izvan zakona pravde.

Mi zahtjevamo dostizanje pravde na jednakim i demokratskim nacelima i trazimo da haski sud povuce optuznicu protiv nevinog Domagoja Margetica, jer on je novinar, a NE ratni zlocinac.

OPSIRNIJE: http://www.croatianworldwideassociation.com/site/epage/34968_571.htm

The Petition in Support of Domagoj Margetic Croatian Journalist - Peticija u Potporu Domagoja Margetica petition to ICTY was written by Ivica Fonti and is in the category Human Rights at GoPetition.