#Local Government
Cambridge licensesing committie
United States of America

The city of Cambridge is planing on granting a 2 a.m. license to a new drinking establishment in the mid Cambridge area.Do we really need another bar in mid Cambridge?

As a resident, parent, realtor and a taxpayer i feel that we have enough bars in the area. I certainly do not want my property value to go down because of new bars with 2 a.m. licenses.

We the citizens of mid Cambridge are slowly going to see the property values in our neighborhood diminish if we allow the THE CITY OF CAMBRIDGE to issue a new 2 a.m. license to the "UPPERWESTCAMBRIDGE CAFE".

The new cafe plans on opening up at 1001 Mass Ave and is looking for a 2 a.m. license. We the undersigned, call on the city of Cambridge to stop this from happening.

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The Stop UPPERWESTCAMBRIDGE from opening with a 2 a.m. LICENSE petition to Cambridge licensesing committie was written by Sydney DePaulo and is in the category Local Government at GoPetition.