Sunday Mabaso from The Department Of Mineral Resources
South Africa

Sign this petition and help us stop Kemu Holdings and their associated companies from prospecting to potentially erect a Coal Mine affecting Bapsfontein, Benoni, Kempton Park and many of the farms and small Holdings in the area.

We all know that if they prospect and find any Coal of any value... greed will set in, and protecting the environment will mean nothing.

This area boasts numerous wetlands and underground water sources which are under threat. The area is home to numerous flora and fauna populations such as bullfrogs, toads two jackal species, owls, caracals to name only a few.

There are numerous farms and small Holdings in the area which employs thousands from the local community.

Residents, laborers, livestock, crops, pets all depend on this area’s clean water resources and clean air. A coal mine will pollute the air and poison the water.

Help us stop them.

We the undersigned object to Kemu Holdings and any of their associates or affiliates from prospecting in the area.

We ask that the South African Department of Mineral Resources does not grant Kemu Holdings (or any other company making an application for a prospecting license), a license to prospect in this area.

GP30/5/1/1/2/10488PR - GP30/5/1/1/2/10488EM Prospecting Coal Mine Bapsfontein / Delmas / Tweefontein / Kempton Park

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The Stop the Benoni Coal Mine petition to Sunday Mabaso from The Department Of Mineral Resources was written by Denico Brand and is in the category Environment at GoPetition.