- Target:
- Polish and Swedish authorities
- Region:
Am from Syria I have a difficult case my family run from Syria (wife and 3 children 4-6 & 9 years old). I pay money for the smuggler to send them to Sweden but he took them to Poland and when they arrive there and Poland authority told them they are in Poland and they should apply for asylum there they refuse to do that the guard patrol threat my family to ask for asylum or they will put them in prison for 1 year. Then my family was shocked and start to cry about 1 year in prison idea, then they accept the asylum but the strange think is that the guard patrol put them in prison for 2 month in Lechnawola prison then I arrived after them in 40 days and same thing happen to me but they put me in another prison away from my family in Biala podlaska and those 2 prison are not for family or refugee it should be for animal only, even if someone have a dog he should take him in tour outside for 2 hour, but we and all refugee in those closed camp (I prefer to call it prison).
When they released us we were homeless no aid from them nothing we slept on train station or in play fields that was worst thing then our dangerous country, my mid kid 6 years old her accent in talking become hard and most of times crying every 2 days we eat a lunch from people who donate for us. My wife was harassed by a guard patrol person in a festival day (it's a day when summer finish in Europe) they were so drunk and they start to put prices on refugee women how much cost each one of them in a night club, and you can send a investigation team to Lechnawola camp "prison" to ask most of women what's happen at that night.
Poland its a communist or racism country for refugee and there is a lot of shocked story about refugee situation in Poland. We arrived on 5-9-2012 to Sweden and owe made asyl and we need your help please we don't want Swedish authority to send me to Poland again owe prefer my dangerous country Syria I prefer death in my country rather then Poland which don't know anything about humanity. Please please please just help my kids because if we will be back hey will put us again 3 month in prison.
Last week we got decision from Migrationverket Stockholm that they want to send us back to poland, according to polish law they will lock us again in prison for 3 month, migrationverket didn't give us chance to explain what happen to us there even so they didn't look at our papers we have gotten from polish authority that we were in prison as we mention above.
should we apeal for humans protection from poland how it handles refugee especially family with children's I don't understand how Sweden want to send us back to a country with zero respect for Humanity's . in my opinion poland asylum law don't differ from Bachar al Assad torture.
Please save my family.
Since Monday police hold me in detention center in Gothenborg Kalared, next week they should send us back to Poland my 3 children are so afraid what gonna happen to them there in Poland prison becaus as i mentioned above Poland authority will hold us again 3 month in prison where no Humanity treatment are there. I attached many decision from Poland court evidence how much they locked us which backup my story.
Please help my family.
I need your support towards anti deporting my family.
Please raise your voice and help us as we just need peace in Sweden.
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The Stop Sweden deporting my Family to Poland petition to Polish and Swedish authorities was written by Karim Serieyh and is in the category Children's Rights at GoPetition.