Hiiraan Forum

A Petition for The Recognition of Hiiraan as a Member State of The Federal Republic of Somalia.

FAO: Honorable the Speaker of the House of the People of the Federal Parliament, Mogadishu, Somalia
FAO: Members of the House of the People of the Federal Parliament, Mogadishu, Somalia
Cc: The President of the Federal Republic of Somalia, His Excellency Hassan Sh. Mohamud, Mogadishu, Somalia
Cc: The Prime Minister, Mr. Abdi Farah Shirdon, Mogadishu

Subject: Petition for the recognition of Hiiraan region as a Member State of the Federal Republic of Somalia

The undersigned people of Hiiraan region together with all Somalis who are committed to uphold peace, justice, and true reconciliation would like to submit this petition on the above subject.

Hiiraan region is the only region that remained undivided out of the eight original regions that constituted the Republic of Somalia. The military regime decided to divide all the original regions into 2 or 3 regions thus multiplying 7 regions into 17 regions while Hiiraan region remained the only undivided region out of the original eight. The rationale of such decision is beyond the scope of this petition but it is now a significant hobble for any attempt to establish a fair and viable federal system in Somalia.

In terms of demographics Hiiraan region tailed only Benadir and Alto Giubba as the third largest region, in terms of population. It is therefore unfair to the people of Hiiraan to be kept as only one unit of the 18 units; rather than a (relatively greater) unit of the 8 units.

On July 23rd, 2012, the people of Hiiraan have finally marked a milestone in their quest for Member-Statehood when President Sharif Sheikh Ahmed issued a presidential decree that partitioned the region into: Hiiraan and Upper Shabelle.

Representatives of Hiiraan region at the 825-member National Constituent Assembly vehemently objected the articles 48 (2) and 49 (6) of the Provisional Constitution which state that "two or more regions may merge to form a Federal Member State" as unanimously agreed the discriminatory nature towards the Hiiraan region vis a vis the other 17 regions in forming the Federal State.

Given the facts stated above, we request the honorable Members of the House of the People of the Federal Parliament of Somalia either or:

Granting Hiiraan region a Special Status Member State that would allow it to stand by itself as Member State without seeking to merge with another region. This would rectify the direct discrimination that kept Hiiraan region as one unit while the remaining 7 regions generated further 10 regions.

To honor the former President's decree and circulated in government bulletin which partitioned Hiiraan region into Hiiraan and Upper Shabelle regions thus enabling the formation of a joint member-state.The above decree should have the same legal weight as per the precedent Presidential decree that have reformed the regions of Somalia from 8 to 18.

To amend art. 49 (5)of the Provisional Constitution that obliges the federal system to be based on 18 regions that existed in 1991 and re-affirm the original format of 8 regions of Somalia thus allowing the Hiiraan region to maintain its current status quo.

People from Hiiraan region and every Somali who joined this petition will utilize all fair and open procedures until  realizing the right of regional self-rule; while remaining loyal to the system of statehood enshrined in the Provisional Constitution of the Somali Federal Republic.


Ku: Guddomiyaha Golaha Shacabka ee Barlamaanka Federaalka Soomaaliya.

Ku: Xubnaha Sharafta leh ee Golaha Shacabka ee Barlamaanka Federaalka Soomaaliya.

Og: Madaxweynaha Jamhuuriyadda Federaalka ee Soomaliya.

Og: Wasiirka Koowaad ee Jamhuuriyadda Federaalka ee Soomaaliya.

Ujeedo: Codsi Aqoonsi in Gobolka Hiiraan uu ka mid noqdo Dowlad Goboleedyada Dowladda Federaalka ee Soomaaliya.

Saxiixayaasha codsigaan ee ka kooban Ummadda reer Hiiraan iyo Soomaalida ay ka go’an tahay in la koryeelo nabadda, caddaalaadda iyo dib u heshiisiinta dhabta ah waxay soo jeedinayaan arrimaha hoos ku qoran iyo codsi la xiriira:

Gobolka Hiiraan waa gobolka keliya ee ka haray siddeeddii (8) gobol ee ay Jamhuuriyadda Soomaaliyeed ka koobneyd oo aan sinnaba loo kala goynin illaa iyo waqtigii Xorriyadda la qaatay. Xukuumaddii Militarigu  waxay soo saartay sharci xaddidaya tirada gobollada Soomaaliya una qeybisay gobol kasta labo (2) ama saddex (3) gobol, taas oo markii laga reebo Gobolka Hiiraan toddobadii (7) kale ay noqdeen toddoba iyo toban (17) gobol. Asbaabta ka dambeeysay in la kordhiyo tirada Gobollada lagana reebo oo keliya Gobolka Hiiraan waa arrin aan lagu falanqeyn doonin codsigan, laakin waa arrin hadda noqotay caqabad culus oo hortaagan hab raaca lagu dhisi doono qaabka federaalka ee lagu hamminayo.

Gobolka Hiiraan wuxuu ahaa gobolka saddexaad ee ugu dadka badan isagoo ku xigay gobollada Benadir iyo Alto Giubba. Sidaas awgeed waxaa xaq-darro weyn ah in loo aqoonsado hal gobol oo ka mid ah siddeed iyo tobankii (18) gobol markii uu horay u ahaan jiray hal gobol oo ka mid ah siddeeddii (8) gobol, weliba kuwa ugu ballaaran xagga tirada dadka.

Ummadda reer Hiiraan waxay guul u soo hoyatay 23dii July 2012 kadib markii Madaxweynihii hore ee Sheekh Sharif sheekh Axmed uu sharci wareegto ah oo uu soo saaray ku kala qeybiyey Gobolka Hiiran laba gobol oo kala ah: Gobolka  Hiiraan iyo Gobolka Shabellaha Sare (?).

Xubnihii wakiilka ugaga ahaa Golaha Ansaxinta Dastuurka ee metelaayey Gobolka Hiiraan waxay si cad ugaga soo horjeesteen qodobada 48(2) iyo 49(6) ee Dastuurka oo qoraaya 'ugu yaraan 2 gobol iyo kabadan ayaa ku midoobi kara Dowlad Goboleed' sababtoo ah xaqdarrada ay xambaarsanaayeen iyadoo loo garbeeyey xaaladda toddaba iyo tobanka gobol (17) oo aanan loo aaba yeelin maqaamka Gobolka Hiiraan ugaga qeyb qaadan karo habka Federaalka.

Iyadoo la tixraacayo arrimaha kor ku xusan, waxaan Xildhibaannada Sharafta leh ee Golaha Shacabka ka codsaneynaa in dib loo eego arrinta gaarka u ah  Gobolka Hiiraan, iyadoo la kala dooranayo talooyinka hoos ku qoran:

In loo hibeeyo Gobolka Hiiraan xaalad khaas si uu keligii ugu istaago xubinnimada Dowladda Federaaliga ,iyadoo aanan loo baahan in uu la midoobo gobol kale. Arrintaas waxay xagal toosin u tahay takoorka aan geed loogugu gamban ee lagu haayey Gobolka Hiiraan madaama fursad la siiyey toddobadii (7) gobol ee kale in ay gaaran toddoba iyo toban (17) gobol.

In la sharfo wareegtadii uu madaxweynihii hore ugu kala qeybiyey Gobolka Hiiraan: Shabellada Sare iyo Hiiraan si ay labadaasi gobol u midooban oo ay u noqdaan hal (1) Dowlad Goboleed. Sharcigan wuxuu la maaqaam yahay sharcigii Madaxweynihii xukuumadda Militariga oo dib u habeeyey siddeeddii (8) gobol kana dhigay siddeed iyo toban (18).

In la nasakho qodobka 49(5) ee Dastuurka Federaalka ee Soomaaliya oo tilmaamaya in habka Federaalka lagu hirgeliyo siddeed iyo tobankii (18) gobol ee jiray 1991, loona soo noqdo qaabkii ka horreeyey ee ahaa siddeeda (8) gobol. Taas waxay fursad u siin doontaa in si siman loogaga qeyb qaato habka federaalka ah, Gobolka Hiiran sidiisa ayuu ahaan doonaa.

Ummadda reer Hiiraan iyo Soomaalida la wadaagta aragtida ku qoran codsigaan waxay diyaar u yihiin in ay si xushmad iyo daah furnaan leh ku raadiyaan xuquuqdooda ah in si caddaalad ah ay isu maamulaan , iyaga oo daacad u ah qaabka dhismaha Federaalka ee ku qoran Dastuurka Federaalka ee Jamhuuriyadda.

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The Recognition of Hiiraan as a Member State of the Federal Republic of Somalia petition to Hiiraan Forum was written by Hiiraan Forum and is in the category Politics at GoPetition.