#Law Reform
Minister of Community Sport and Cultural Development

Local Government Act in regards to noise uses the word individuals with an "s" and the word persons with an "s" meaning that a person living alone cannot complain about excessive noise.


We, the undersigned would like the wording of the Local Government Act in regards to noise, changed by removing the "s" in individuals and adding the word "any" before the word persons plus removing the "s" in the word persons to say the following:

724 (1) If a regional district provides a service referred to in section 797.1 (1) (d), the board may, by bylaw, do one or more of the following:

(a) regulate or prohibit the making or causing of noises or sounds in or on a highway or elsewhere in the regional district

(i) that disturb, or tend to disturb, the quiet, peace, rest, enjoyment, comfort or convenience of the neighbourhood, or of any person in the vicinity, or

(ii) that the board believes are objectionable or liable to disturb the quiet, peace, rest, enjoyment, comfort or convenience of an individual or the public;

The BC Noise legislation needs to change petition to Minister of Community Sport and Cultural Development was written by Sharon and is in the category Law Reform at GoPetition.