Nye County, Nevada, United States
United States of America

Large cuts mean you must look at large costs and their value to the organization. You have continually argued that shutting down older buildings will save money, and that 86% of our cost comes from personnel.

So, you move forward. You close elementary schools, a middle school, intend to bus students from one town to another, and have cut 22 personnel in the process. I completely understand, but then, you veer away from your own rationale. If large cuts mean you look at the largest cost to a district, how do you NOT look at an old, inefficient building with the highest per capita salaries? One that has the least direct time spent with our student population. We should first look at the function and efficiency of the bosses, the leaders…the District Office.

Like it or not, we are a company in the business of producing functioning citizens for society. And even during the “good years”, when nearly all business was thriving, we were a failure (we had high drop out rates, schools continually in need of improvement, poor attendance, etc.). The leaders in a struggling business have a duty to make changes that yield positive benefits or those leaders risk elimination. Someone…some-many, will be eliminated by this budget crisis. Why not the bosses of our failed company?

I quote a member of our government by saying, “You should never let a crisis go to waste.”

So, I speak directly to you, the School Board. You have the final say. My recommendation yields over $6.1 million dollars in savings to the district and an additional $2.9 million over the next 5 years:

 Offer conditional buy-outs for teachers; the first 50 to accept will be your teacher Reduction-In-Force, saving approximately $4.25 mil to the district.
 Close the Southern District Office and relocate, reassign, or RIF its staff. Approximate savings: $860,000.
 Leave Mt. Charleston open.
 No step-increase for staff: savings $611,000.
 Leave Amargosa Middle School open.
 Close Silver Rim ES.
 Reduction of Assistant Principal at HS.
 Save JG Johnson principal’s salary of $116,000.
 Reduce the supplies budget by 10%: saving $80,000.

This option would have the least direct effect on students, the largest effects on the highest paid, and eliminate a long-term problem of an aging staff due to continual RIFs of your youngest employees.

Budget Shortfall Recommendations

4.25 mil NCSD Employee Buyout - 50 positions

860,000 Close SDO RIF or reassign

611,000 0 Step increase for staff

226,000 Close Silver Rim EM

109,000 HS Asst. Principal

116,000 JG Principal

80,000 Supplies

Approximately 6.13 mil + years 2-5 payback of 2.1 (borrowed for buyout) + 2.9 mil in direct savings.

50 Positions = 35 from page 3 of 4-14 Budget Sheet
Additional 15 from student enrollment numbers


NCSD Employee Buyout Formula

Mr. Ritchie, CFO of NCSD look into districts which are offering buyouts during the national budget crisis for education. Ask for a loan of $2.1 million for employee buyout with a 5 year payback.

Any employee with 10 years of district service, or more, will be offered $2,500 per year of service to accept early retirement. The first 50 to accept this offer will, in essence become, your voluntary RIF.

At an average of 17.5 years times 50 employees, you come to $2.1 million.

Your estimated reduction in personnel costs will be $4.3 mil the first year, and $1.25 mil each of your second, third, fourth, and fifth years due to lower pay and newer employees.

Your second and third year, you use the $1.25 mil in savings to payback the loan and year 4 and 5, you see an estimated profit of $2.9 mil over the course of the 5 years.


Reassignment or RIF at the Southern District Office

 Dr. Roberts Reassigned to PVHS as Head Principal/District Superintendant (1 Secretary) Savings: $110,000 (principals salary)
$100,000 (2 secretary reductions)

 Mr. Norton - 1 secretary reduction: $50,000 in savings

 Mr. Hill - RIF $120,000
1 secretary reduction: $50,000
Pathways: Moved to B Building at PVHS,9th Grade Academy Principal has responsibility of 9th Grade Academy and Pathways.

 Mr. Pekarek – retirement Savings: $130,000 + $50,000 secretary.
*offer $20,000 contract as Chief Negotiator for the District/Union Contract (maximum 240 hours or 30 days).

 1 Technology Position (person under investigation): Savings $80,000

 Closing SDO (maintenance, utilities, etc.): Savings $100,000

 Bob Whimpey Retirement: $90,000
 Can 1 secretary be cut from transportation?
Can Ms. Olson return to the classroom?
Does Mr. Ritchie have a transportation allowance?

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The NCSD Student Budget Proposal petition to Nye County, Nevada, United States was written by Eric Leach and is in the category Education at GoPetition.