Videoslots Senior Management

Today on the 27th of October 2016 a great injustice was done!

This injustice is called "The Healthy Vending Machine".

We, the Proud members of Videoslots Family shall not tolerate in-justice in any way shape or form. Where there is in-justice, we shall unite and face it head on!

For this reason we shall not bow to this hipster do good, feel good, eat good monstrosity called "The healthy vending machine".

We demand a proper vending machine with all sorts of lip licking, tummy pleasing, brain appeasing UNHEALTHY goodness.

Bring on the Crisps, let the chocolate bar parade commence, release the sweet rivers of soda drinks!!

Let's not grow old together having only tasted the generic sugar free, pretentious gluten free, poser water with flavor or non salty nuts or granola bars that this society tries to literally shove down our throats!


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The GIVE US A PROPER VENDING MACHINE petition to Videoslots Senior Management was written by Alex and is in the category Justice at GoPetition.