#Law Reform
Govenor of Virginia and the city of Virginia Beach Mayor Chief of Police City of Virginia Beach
United States of America

This past week I was stopped by an cop in the city of Va Beach. I was not speeding or committing any crime. In fact when he turned on his lights to pull me over I was at a stop light one block from my home. When I asked him why he was pulling me over he could not give me an answer. Then he returned to my car in which I had my 2 children with me and stated that my registration was not valid.

I explained to the officer that the car is registered in my fiance name. He told me I was still responsible. I feel as if this officer was harassing me because he had a traffic ticket quota to meet and also because he had nothing else to do. Why is it that some cops wait for crimes to be committed and others just go around looking for trouble to create. If you agree with me please sign my petition.

There should be a law against this type of behavior from law enforcement.....

There should be a law against traffic police stopping drivers with out just cause. If a driver is not out right breaking the law or putting other drivers at risk.

An officer should not be allowed to pull a person over and then find a reason of "why"....he should already have a reason and the reason should be a violation of the law out right and not after the fact.

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The An officer that runs your tags with out a moving violation should be cited for harassment petition to Govenor of Virginia and the city of Virginia Beach Mayor Chief of Police City of Virginia Beach was written by Nagiae Berry and is in the category Law Reform at GoPetition.