#Media Issues
CNN, Fox
United States of America

We rely on journalists to, the best of their ability, pursue truth and inform us so that we can ensure democracy ... however, presently, seeking truth no longer seems to matter. The Media appears to have put money and ratings before journalistic ethics! We have a right, possibly a duty, not to allow ourselves to be used for ratings and money and to ignore our need for the media to seek accurate reporting.
Journalistic ethics demand the pursuit of accuracy, diligence, and avoiding conflict of interest. However, it seems the media has set up its own conflict of interest--money over accuracy and diligence. The media's primary concern appears tobe what will "sell" to whoever they think their audience is to generate ratings! Networks and newspapers appear to have become "marketers" trying to figure out how to rope in their audience by stirring up emotions, saying what they think we want to hear, and pitting us against each other.
The media can hear our desire, by our actions and pocketbooks, for them to abide by the journalistic code of ethics (accuracy, fairness, diligence, independence, accountability, transparency). Let them know you put ethics first and ask them to state they do too! Sign this "We Won't Watch (until...)" Petition, write to the producers and journalists of the networks and newspapers, write an editorial--let it be known that you care about journalism in the news.
News Media Contact information can be found at:

We, the undersigned
1. request that that all organizations identifying themselves as "news" commit publically and repeatedly to adhere to seeking the unbiased and independent accuracy in what is reported to the public in line with journalistic ethics
2. agree amongst each other to not support in any way organizations that identify themselves as news which will not commit to unbiased and independent reporting of information presented to the public

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The We Won't Watch (until...) petition to CNN, Fox was written by EthicsandNews and is in the category Media Issues at GoPetition.

Petition Tags

news biased Fake News