#Human Rights
Texas State Government
United States of America

My name is Robert Copeland, President of the Atheist Community of Wilmington, and the Atheist Community of North Carolina!

I am very involved in arguing and debating logical, rational decisions based on the evidence presented, experience, and adaptation.

I mainly discuss the topics of Abortion (Pro-Choice stance) and Religion (Atheism stance).

We, the human equal rights activists call on Texas to end the law of a pregnant woman on life support or change it at the least!

A Mother is not Legally obligated to have her body used to support the life of a born child, therefore should not be legally forced to have it used to support that of an unborn fetus, against her desires.

If the law will not be abolished, we pose a revision to say that in that circumstance, the father of the baby, and ONLY the father makes the decision TO nor NOT TO continue the use of Life Supporting Measures.

State Government should not have the right to say what happens to a woman's body against her wishes.

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The Stop Texas Life Support Law petition to Texas State Government was written by Robert Copeland and is in the category Human Rights at GoPetition.