English Heritage & Coalition Gov
United Kingdom

Make Stonehenge an official Universal Peace Beacon for Environmental Awareness http://www.gopetition.com/petitions/stonehenge.html
We need Peace and Environmental Sustainability. Join the Universal Beacon on Our Facebook Page.

We support the ongoing campaign of many differing faiths, to have our Stonehenge Guardians/our ancient ancesters, cremated human remains returned and re-interred.

There is continued concern about Human impact on this our planet. The energy and consumer demands of a growing human population is having a deleterious effect on biodiversity and other natural resources world-wide.

It has been suggested by many important people that H M Government, English Heritage, The National Trust Wiltshire Constabulary, The Highways Agency, The Department of Transport, Salisbury District Council, The Ministry of Culture, Media and Sport, Wiltshire County Council and their predecessors, "Religious, Spiritual, Pagans, Druids, and other cultural groups have all been equally complicit in a mismanagement" of caring for the stones and the landscape.

* The resonating Spirit of Stonehenge seems to have gotten lost between 'departments'

The brillaint work that people have already facilitated past and present and future hold talks on how they will manage an 'Open Access' each year. The work that these people are projecting needs support from a stance of peace.

Universal Learning. project a stance for Universal & Environmental Peace. We would like see all Stonehenge carers accepting an official stance, that the Stones Energy Beacon will be a message of UNIVERSAL & ENVIRONMENTAL PEACE!

This Round Table Movie is "extremely revealing" on many accounts 80 mins. From the BBC www.bbc.co.uk/bbcfour/documentaries/features/nationaltrust5.shtm Officially designated a World Heritage Site, each year Stonehenge attracts thousands of pilgrim travellers for the summer solstice and other Seasonal visits.

Let us celebrate the wealth of our diversity and strive to learn from each other and help one another in a spirit of openness, understanding, trust, respect and Peace.

Join the Beacon on Our Facebook Page.

We, the undersigned, wish and continue an ongoing petition to English Heritage and UNESCO (United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organisation) on behalf of a Universal Culture – to request Stonehenge become a United Global Beacon of Universal Peace.

We would also like to propose to "The People" A 4 min silence at approriate times and seasonal dates, to celebrate a stance of universal & Environmental Peace. 4 mins = 1 Degree of the Earths turn ☆

May we also suggest *
at appropriate seasonal times (Open Access and other dates) for a safe quiet and reflective time for people to enjoy the center of the Stones

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The Make Stonehenge an official Universal Peace Beacon for environmental sustainability petition to English Heritage & Coalition Gov was written by Healing World Network and is in the category Culture at GoPetition.

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