#Law & Order
UN, U.S. Homeland Security, Lawmakers and Criminal Justice Departments

Since the Salem Witchcraft Trials of 1692, there has been a major gap in the law for protection of citizens from spiritual crimes in the U.S.

Many protective laws against the use of malicious witchcraft remain stricken from the books. That is a travesty of justice because it denies the true criminal nature and intent of those who practice it to harm and manipulate others.

This results in helping it remain under the radar of law enforcement when perpetrators use it to hurt others and those people need the help of resources and laws that protect them.

We, the undersigned, call on the UN, U.S. Homeland Security, Lawmakers and Criminal Justice Departments to create legislation against spiritual crimes in this country and globally and enforce it.

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The Support Spiritual Crimes Legislation petition to UN, U.S. Homeland Security, Lawmakers and Criminal Justice Departments was written by CHANTAEY DIALLO and is in the category Law & Order at GoPetition.