one Million signatures

Military/RCMP Personnel, Veterans and Canadians, The Committee of John Labelle, Roger Boutin and Reina MacNeil request that you sign the petition to appoint Mr. Peter Stoffer to the prestigious position of Senator representing Nova Scotia and Canada.

Militaire/GRC, les Veterans et les Canadiens, Le committe demande que vous nommez M. Peter Stoffer a la position prestigieuse de Senateur representant la Nouvelle Ecosse et le Canada.

Mr. Stoffer is a most respected Politician, during his 18.4 years tenure in the House of Commons he has received a number of acclamations. He was the NDP critic for Veterans Affairs and Shipbuilding. He has received the Veterans's Ombudsman Commendation Award, he was awarded Parliamentarian of the year, the best Constituency MP, the most Collegial MP in the Maclean's Parliamentary Awards. He received the Dutch Honour Knight in the Order of Orange-Nassau from the Netherlands.

M. Stoffer est un Politician tres respecte, pendant ses 18.4 annees de tenure dans la Chambre des Communes il a recu un nombre d'acclamations. Il fut le critique NPD pour les affaires des Veterans et la Construction Navale. Il as recu le prix d'approbation Ombudsman. Il fut attribue le Parlementaire de l'annee, le meilleur depute du college electoral de Maclean. Il a recu le Chevalier Hollandais d'honneur dans l'rodre d'orange-Nassau des Pays Bas.

Prime Minister Trudeau, it is indeed a privilege and an Honour to nominate Mr. Peter Stoffer to be considered for the appointment of Senator of the House.

Premier Ministre Trudeau, C'est en effect un privilege et un honneur de nommer M. Peter Stoffer a etre considere pour la nomination de Senateur a la Chambre des Communes.

We, the undersigned, Nominate Mr. Peter Stoffer to be appointed Senator of the House.

The Nominate Mr. Peter Stoffer to be appointed Senator of the House petition to one Million signatures was written by Military/RCMP Veterans and is in the category Government at GoPetition.