
Two kids, whom are best friends on miiverse, love to talk about games, and draw about them too. The next day, they find that they can't talk as much, and that their drawing get NO recognition.

Firstly, --This is a reason that upsets many users-- you will only be able to post/comment 30 times each day. Before the update, posting was unlimited and you could comment 720 times in 24 hours ( a day). Now they are reducing the posting and commenting into a shared limit of 30. I disagree with this change because Miiverse is (or should I say WAS) a place for gamers to socialise and talk. Now Miiverse is taking away this freedom.

Secondly, The drawings will be sorted in order of popularity, which will make popular users get more attention. Many unnoticed artist may have to
1. Go to deviantArt
2. Wait until they are old enough to go to deviantArt
And parental restrictions could just have them doodling in notebooks until cloedge.

Lastly, They are removing the feature to post to the activity feed. Many users use this so they can post something, like an update about life or a thank you, to ONLY their followers. Now, they have to post to a community, and the wrong people can see it...

Please help me in stopping the miiverse update! (Nintendo, these are your Unhappy customers!)

The Remove the Miiverse Redesign petition to Nintendo was written by Maya and is in the category Gaming at GoPetition.

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