#Civil Rights
People petition referendum

Koga bi vi kao narod Hrvatske željeli za vašeg predsjednika tj vlast: Putina ili Josipovića? Da li bi željeli da se Hrvatska pripoji referendumom Rusiji također kao i Krim ili ne?

Who would you like as people and residents of Croatia to have for your president: Mr. Putin or Mr. Josipović? Would you sign the referendum so that Croatia become under Russia as it was happen with Republic Krim?

Note: This is petition referendum just as information to see how people of Croatia think and what they think! Ovo je peticija za referendum samo kao informacija gdje je želja vidjeti i poslusati sto narod misli o svemu ovome i kako bi on odlucio da bude!


Koga bi vi kao narod Hrvatske željeli za vašeg predsjednika tj vlast: Putina ili Josipovića? Da li bi željeli da se Hrvatska pripoji referendumom Rusiji također kao i Krim ili ne?

Who would you like as people and residents of Croatia to have for your president: Mr. Putin or Mr. Josipović? Would you sign the referendum so that Croatia become under Russia as it was happen with Republic Krim?

Note: This is petition referendum just as information to see how people of Croatia think and what they think! Ovo je peticija za referendum samo kao informacija gdje je želja vidjeti i poslusati sto narod misli o svemu ovome i kako bi on odlucio da bude!


The Putin ili or Josipović? Pripojenje Hrvatske Rusiji? Croatia to become Russian? petition to People petition referendum was written by Pero Peric and is in the category Civil Rights at GoPetition.