#Children's Rights
The President Of India

Recent incidents of child sexual abuse in schools across India have proven that schools are educational institutions and not security experts. Law enforcement catch criminals and legal system provides justice. The need for a airtight, no nonsense security is the need of the hour. Who is the best qualified to protect the future of our future generations than the armed forces of the country they protect on a daily basis without incidents . The ones sworn to protect our country should be the same ones to protect our children. Which is why a separate department directly under our armed forces should be created which designs and sets school security, provides trained personnel and executes the SOP reporting directly to the Commander In Chief of our country.
Calling this Act as "The Pradhuman Act" in memory of the 7 yr old boy killed by a sexual offender in Gurgaon, India in September 2017.
As a parent of two children i plead you to give me a peaceful night's sleep knowing that our soldiers are protecting my children while they are being educated and being watched over by The President of my country.
Jai Hind

"We the Undersigned, call upon The President of India to eliminate the lack of security at our country's educational institutions by creating a department under the armed forces sworn to protect the future of our country. This department will design the security system and execute it while reporting directly to The President of India. "The Pradhuman Act, 2017".

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The Protect Our Children As You Protect Our Borders petition to The President Of India was written by The Fight Back Club and is in the category Children's Rights at GoPetition.