#Children's Rights
Iraqi President, Parliament and Human Rights Commission

جرى التصويت على مشروع تعديل قانون الأحوال الشخصية رقم 188/1959 بالبديل ”مشروع قانون الأحوال الشخصية الجعفري“ هذا المشروع يعتبر اهانة لحقوق الانسان العراقي. ندعوكم الى التصويت والدعوة الى :
ايقاف سحق حقوق المرأة العراقية
نداء لايقاف اغتصاب الطفولة في العراق
دعوة لحماية العائلة العراقية
العراق مليء بالمشاكل التي تهدد بقائه، الاحرى مناقشة هذه المشاكل وايجاد حلول لها
- المشاكل الامنية: ادت ب ٣.٢ مليون مواطن عراقي مهجر داخل العراق ومضاعف هذا المجموع من العراقيين في بلدان المهجر
المشاكل الاقتصادية: ٤١.٢٪ يعيشون تحت خط الفقر في بعض مناطق العراق
ابسط حقوق المواطن: توفير الكهرباء والمياه الصالحة للاستخدام البشري، والواقع الصحي المتردي

التعئبة الوطنية
حزب الوفاق الوطني

On November 1st, 2017, a regressive amendment on the Iraqi Personal Status Code (Law No. 188 of 1959) was proposed to Parliament challenging the fundamental rights of women and children:
This breaches Iraqi laws, international agreements and UN conventions which Iraq ratified on human rights, in particular those relating to women and children. The draft law ignores article 2 of the UN's Declaration on the Elimination of Violence against Women by legalising marital rape.
The amendment sets the legal age of marriage for females as nine and males as 15, although it could be even lower with the consent of a guardian, father or a grandfather and permits the husband with unconditional polygamy. Another article gives that men have the right to "enjoy" sex with their wives any time they want, and wives cannot leave their marital home without their husband's permission. Husbands are not required to pay financial support (nafaqah) when their wife is either a minor or a senior and hence unable to sexually satisfy them. Muslim males are prevented from permanently marrying non-Muslim females, which means a Shi'ite Muslim male is allowed to marry non-Muslim females temporarily in what is called mut'a marriage. Mut'a is when a man who wants to have sex with a woman "marries" her in the presence of a religious figure, who acts as a mut'a broker. The man will specify how long the marriage will last, ranging from a few hours to many years. A small mehr (dowry) will then be paid to the woman. Such marriages have no protection or guarantees for women and/or their offspring in Iraq. Only a man has the right to renew it when it expires – for another mehr – or to terminate it early. Temporary marriage and unregistered marriages in civil courts were prohibited before 2003 but are on the increase among widows and poor women since then.
The current law, No 188, was issued in 1959 and is considered to be the most protective of women's rights in the Arab countries. It stipulates the following: the legal age of marriage for both men and women is 18; polygamy is prohibited and taking a second wife is extremely restricted; a Muslim male is allowed to marry a non-Muslim female without conditions or restrictions; and a woman can disobey her husband if he behaves tyrannically and harms her by failing to provide adequate housing or care should she fall ill. This amendment undermines civil courts through referring to religious endowment authorities violating not just the principle of the separation of powers but also human rights and international laws around women’s rights.
Children are vulnerable. We implore to stop this crime against them, women and humanity. Please sign this petition and show your support so we may stop this evil.

National Mobilisation
Iraqi National Party

نحن الموقعين أدناه، ندعو رئيس جمهورية العراق و مفوضية حقوق الإنسان و مجلس النواب إلى منع إقرار هذا القانون.

We, the undersigned, call on the Iraqi President, the human rights commission and the Parliament to prevent the passage of this law.

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The Prevent Legalising Paedophilia in Iraq / منع اغتصاب الطفولة في العراق petition to Iraqi President, Parliament and Human Rights Commission was written by Iraqi National Movement and is in the category Children's Rights at GoPetition.