Blood Banks , Health Department , Hospitals

if you could choose your blood group and you were a selfish person, I’d go for AB +. You can receive blood from anyone!

If you considered yourself a generous person go for the O -, then you would be the “Universal donor”. This explains why O negative donors are so revered.

A bleeding trauma patient can be saved with this blood as no timely cross matching is necessary.

So why the big hoo-ha about negative donors in India? The Caucasian (white) population averages about a 15 -25 % negative blood group type. The Asian population averages about 5%. So, if you are a negative blood type in an Asian country, you are in trouble.

All Negative Blood Types i.e AB- , B- , O- , A- Should come forward to save life of same blood types.

Road Accident Victim needs 100 units of blood & think if he/ she is Negative Blood Type.

Pregnent Women and New Borns are always at risk.

Please encourage every one you know of negative blood group type to sign this petition.

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The Negative Blood Group Donors & Negative Blood Banks SOS Call to India petition to Blood Banks , Health Department , Hospitals was written by rahul verma and is in the category Health at GoPetition.