Boyle County Schools
United States of America

Many students like anything that comes from Japan e.g. anime, music, etc.

Some students want to learn Japanese and need to meet the requirement of taking a World Language class. Since Chinese did not last long, Japanese is a good replacement for Chinese. The only class that is a foreign language is Spanish.

With Japanese, a lot more students will be interested in taking it to meet the requirement of taking a foreign language class.

We, the undersigned, call on Boyle County Schools to make Japanese an option to take as a foreign language class. With Japanese becoming an option, students will want to take the class.

Now that there are no more Chinese classes, Japanese should become a foreign language class option.

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The Make Japanese a Class Option at Boyle County Schools petition to Boyle County Schools was written by Irene Farthing and is in the category Education at GoPetition.