EB Games Australia

Basically the special edition of: The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask 3D (hereafter referred to as MM3D) has been pre-sold out, which is usual for a special edition, but my friends EB never advertised they were selling it, leaving many in the dark.

On the day MM3D was announced, Nintendo of Australia announced that it the special edition featured in the video was coming to Australia, with no mention of who was to sell it.

Cut to today, EB Games has pre-sold out, not once was this edition shown on the EB Games website nor was it shown on their social media pages. Therefore many people were left in the dark and now they cannot preorder the game.

I believe that this should have been advertised, the only advertisement I have heard of that EB Games Australia was selling this product was a small sign in store, not many people can venture into a store and they don't expect and announcement to be on a little box.

We, the undersigned, call for EB Games Australia to apologise for the lack of advertisement for the special edition of: The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask 3D and that every effort should be taken to bring these editions back into stock from the supplier to ensure that those who were unable to gain a preorder of this game can now have a chance to get it, and to ensure that this is advertised FULLY.

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The EB Games Australia- Explain MM3D Special Edition petition to EB Games Australia was written by Nicholas and is in the category Gaming at GoPetition.