St. Joseph C.C.S.D. #169 School Board
United States of America

We, the community of St. Joseph, IL, want the best for our children, including a public education that will provide them with the tools to lead successful lives. The St. Joseph C.C.S.D. #169 School Board, Faculty, and Staff live this goal passionately everyday; and we are grateful for their professional dedication. In addition to academics, however, there are many other extra-curricular, community, and family activities that contribute to the development of our children and influence how successful they are in life. Homework can interfere with these activities.

What constitutes a successful life will ultimately be determined by our children themselves, with primary guidance from their respective parents/guardians. Therefore, we request the St. Joseph C.C.S.D. #169 School Board revise its homework policy to give students’ parents/guardians final discretion with regard to homework. The goal of the revision is not to hinder those parents/guardians who are satisfied with the District’s current homework policy, yet provide authority for those parents/guardians who are not satisfied. Since by current policy homework is to be used to “… reinforce and apply previously covered concepts, principles, and skills …,” the revisions simply allow parents/guardians to decide how much reinforcement their children require.

There is much controversy nationally surrounding the use of homework in the elementary and middle school grades as a beneficial tool for the development of our children, particularly increasing academic achievement. The National Education Association (NEA) presented an article on their website entitled, “Research Spotlight on Homework” that can be found at http://www.nea.org/tools/16938.htm. There are links to supporting references at the end of the article.

In this article it states that “The National PTA recommendations fall in line with general guidelines suggested by researcher Harris Cooper: 10-20 minutes per night in the first grade, and an additional 10 minutes per grade level thereafter (e.g., 20 minutes for second grade, 120 minutes for twelfth).” It further states that the purpose of homework varies with grade level; “At the elementary school level, homework can help students develop study skills and habits and can keep families informed about their child's learning. At the secondary school level, student homework is associated with greater academic achievement.” Notice that it’s not until the secondary school level (grades 9-12) that homework is associated with greater academic achievement.

“Should Schools Be Done With Homework?” is another NEA article that can be found at http://neatoday.org/2014/05/13/should-schools-be-done-with-homework/. It also states, “…studies suggest that the link between assigned homework and academic achievement is drastically overinflated.”

Alfie Kohn, a prominent educator, has written a book, The Homework Myth, which presents credible arguments against the practice of assigning homework. You can find information about his book at http://www.alfiekohn.org/books/hm.htm. A quote from the Boston Globe regarding his work states, “The Homework Myth should be required reading for every teacher, principal, and school district head in the country…. Kohn cites plenty of research to back up his thesis.” Chapter 2, “Does Homework Improve Learning?” can be found at http://www.alfiekohn.org/teaching/hwach.htm.

Families’ schedules are busier than ever, trying to take advantage of all that life has to offer. Parents/guardians should have the final say when it comes to how their children spend time outside of school. The current school policy states, “The Superintendent shall provide guidance to ensure that homework is of appropriate frequency and length, and does not become excessive, according to the teacher’s best professional judgment.” Students and their parents are at the mercy of the teachers with regard to homework. We want students’ parents/guardians to have final discretion with regard to homework, without repercussion for their children.

We, the community of St. Joseph, IL, want the best for our children, including a public education that will provide them with the tools to lead successful lives. The St. Joseph C.C.S.D. #169 School Board, Faculty, and Staff live this goal passionately everyday; and we are grateful for their professional dedication. In addition to academics, however, there are many other extra-curricular, community, and family activities that contribute to the development of our children and influence how successful they are in life. Homework can interfere with these activities.

What constitutes a successful life will ultimately be determined by our children themselves, with primary guidance from their respective parents/guardians. Therefore, we request the St. Joseph C.C.S.D. #169 School Board revise its homework policy to give students’ parents/guardians final discretion with regard to homework. The goal of the revision is not to hinder those parents/guardians who are satisfied with the District’s current homework policy, yet provide authority for those parents/guardians who are not satisfied. Since by current policy homework is to be used to “… reinforce and apply previously covered concepts, principles, and skills …,” the revisions simply allow parents/guardians to decide how much reinforcement their children require.

We recommend the following revisions to the current homework policy 6:290 dated May 2012 (added text from the final comma in number 5 through all of number 6):


Homework is part of the District’s instructional program and has the overarching goal of increasing student achievement. Homework is assigned to further a student’s educational development and is an application or adaptation of a classroom experience.

The Superintendent shall provide guidance to ensure that homework:

1. Is used to reinforce and apply previously covered concepts, principles, and skills;

2. Is not assigned for disciplinary purposes;

3. Serves as a communication link between the school and parents/guardians;

4. Encourages independent thought, self-direction, and self-discipline; and

5. Is of appropriate frequency and length, and does not become excessive, according to the teacher’s best professional judgment, with the student’s parent/guardian having final discretion;

6. Is neither itself considered as part of the term grade, nor the completion of homework required to successfully complete any in school work/exam that is considered as part of the term grade.


1 This policy’s contents are at the local school board’s discretion; a board should customize the list of standards for homework to reflect the district’s practices. Below are two optional provisions to add at the end of the sample policy:

Option 1: Recognizing the importance of parental involvement in homework, the
Superintendent or designee shall ensure that parents/guardians are informed of, (1) whom to contact with questions or concerns about homework assignments, and (2) methods to facilitate homework completion.

Option 2: The Superintendent or designee shall annually report to the Board on the effectiveness of homework assignments on increasing student achievement.”

The Change St. Joseph C.C.S.D #169 Homework Policy to Give Parents Control petition to St. Joseph C.C.S.D. #169 School Board was written by Glen Daniels and is in the category Education at GoPetition.