All legal Residents of the United States
United States of America

The purpose of this petition is to stop the current political madness that has divided us, bring the Government back to we the people, rid the government of corruption and make a level playing field for all citizens. This objective does not cater to any one particular political affiliation rather a political party for the majority.

The only peaceful option we have to seeing this through is for a call for the Convention of States through Article V of the Constitution.

So I encourage all to read though the proposed changes to our government, which we would like to be present at this Convention of States.

Bless all of you and bless they United States.

Under Article V of the Constitution of the United States we the citizens of the great United States request an immediate convention of the states to be held before the general election. With the objective of voting on the possibility to amend the Constitution of the United States for the below items. Or, as applicable to enact laws to enforce below listed items.

If it is within the powers of the states we the citizens request an immediate halt to the current election process until Presidential candidates can be properly vetted as stated in item 4 below. In this situation the speaker of the house shall be appointed as the President of the US with the VP selected from the other major party for a period not to exceed one year until general elections can be re-held. Any executive action must be agreed upon by both the President and the VP to ensure impartial treatment.

Items of citizens concern which must be addressed:

1. Provide a provision for state succession from the United States in the event said objectives below cannot be achieved.
2. Provide fair representation from each state for the Senate and House of Representatives i.e. there shall be an equal number delegates, Democrats and Republicans, from each state. To include libertarians and Independents if they become a majority in the future.
3. Make it illegal for corporations or individuals to provide campaign funds for their respective candidate. There shall be one campaign fund for all eligible candidates as nominated by their official party and said funds shall be divided equally amongst them.
4. Provide stricter guidelines for persons running for appointed offices especially for the POTUS. For the President of the United States these requirements shall include but not limited to an independent psychological and physical exam, must have at a minimum of a master’s degree, must have served in the U.S. Armed Forces of the United states in some manner (civilian or military service) for at least 2 years, must be a citizen of the U.S. from either being either born on US soil or born by a US citizen (must provide birth certificate), must be at least 35 years or older, must have resided in the U.S. for the past 14 years, must be able to obtain and maintain a TS SCI security clearance for the duration of their service, must have completed at a minimum 4 years of political service in the Senate, House of Representatives or as a state Governor, must pass an ethical background check as determined by independent congressional committee composed of an equal number of individuals from each major party, and the President of the U.S. shall be held to the same ethical standards that we hold our military members/leaders to for the duration of their office.
5. Provide limited Government funding for primary elections to allow for a larger and more diversified number of candidates. Additional funding shall be provided by a shared campaign fund through donations.
6. Reduce the executive powers for the president to be determined by individual state governments.
7. Repel the power of the president to nominate appointed positions (FBI director, NSA director, AG, federal judges, etc. as this creates a biased influence) and give this power to the congress. Each major party in congress shall nominate an individual for each appointed position and then vote on whom they’ve chosen. In the event of a tie the Speaker of the House will make the final determination with agreement from the President on selected individuals.
8. Repel the war powers from the President and give this authority to the Congress. No one person shall ever have this much power in a free country.
9. Provide term limits on Congress.
10. Establish an independent governmental contracted ethical committee such as Judicial Watch to monitor all elected officials activities for corruption and wrong doings. All elected officials shall provide to this committee copies of their yearly taxes returns for review. Additionally, salaries for all Congressional members and the President shall be established by this committee. States and Citizens shall have the right to hire at their own expense a group of lawyers, economist, etc.… to perform a quality control of this committee to ensure the highest standards of ethical behavior. No committee, government organization or individual shall go unchecked while in the service to the citizens of the U.S.
11. Repeal the current government medical insurance program better known as Obama Care and replace it with a program that is fair, reasonable and affordable for all. The government shall contract an independent team of professional experts from the private sector to develop this program at a fixed cost. Once developed this program shall not have any other funding objectives tied to the program before it goes up for approval by congress and the President.
12. Mandate an individual wealth cap for all individuals $1B to $2B to be determined, but no individual should be able to maintain a wealth of $6B. We are not advocating communism we are just stating a realistic fact!
13. The president of the U.S. shall be able to pardon individuals with the overwhelming approval of congress for each selected individual selected.
14. The powers of the U.S. Government shall be reduced to provide a balance between states’ rights as determined by the government of each respective each state.
15. The tax system shall be overhauled to provide a fair tax system for all U.S. citizens. The middle class shall not be responsible for paying everyone’s bills. It’s unfair and frankly against the law to have taxation without representation. The Government has overreach its authority regarding taxation!
16. The U.S. Government shall through congressional meetings and with input from independent contracted experts determine a solution to reduce the national debt and balance the budget with a deadline of Oct 2017.
17. The U.S. Government shall stop all efforts at nation building and work with our allies through the UN to eradicate ISIS and any another threats’ to the U.S.
18. The U.S. Government shall make into law that no ransom payment be made for the purpose of releasing prisoners or for any another reason. This law shall apply to all citizens to include the President of the United States.
19. The US Government shall repeal all trade agreements until viable trade agreements can be achieve that benefit the citizens of the U.S. and not the pockets of large corporations.
20. The US Government shall develop a solution to maintain current jobs and promote/develop new jobs in the U.S. through the means of contracting expert consulting firms/think tanks to develop solutions. With emphasis place on areas with the highest unemployment rates first. This may mean giving tax breaks to business, reducing the burden of health insurance cost, providing reasonable land leases rates from state and government owned land to build new business on, etc. for the experts to determine.
21. The state governments shall come together to develop a judicial committee of independent investigators, prosecutors and judges to weed out any local, state or U..S. Government corruption and bring these individuals to justice. To include but not limited to the Clinton Foundation.
22. The U.S. Government shall overhaul the current welfare programs so as it only applies to U.S. citizens and prevents people from being dependent on the system. The welfare program must include job training, child care services, resources for obtaining jobs, education on creating new business and grants for higher education. A comprehensive program to ease people out of the system.
23. The US Government shall develop a comprehensive immigration plan to allow hard working honest law abiding people to remain in the U.S. while developing a means for allowing others to migrate to the US through the legal process. The US Government working with ICE and border patrol agents must develop a mechanism to prevent illegals and drugs from flowing into this country in the future. Since these agencies are the subject matter experts they should provide oversight in developing an effective plan even if that mean building a wall. Up to the subject matter experts. The U.S. government must stop all attempts at bringing refuges into this country other than women who have children and children under the age of 18. Any men over the age of 18 or women without children over the age of 18 who pose a threat must be vetted to include a background check to ensure they are not associated with a terrorist organization. All others must be vetted as well but they will be allowed to migrate now since they have children which they must take care of. We are still America you know and we must take care of kids!
24. The US Government in corporation with state leadership shall enact martial law in neighborhoods of high crime until said crime can be managed by local law enforcement agencies. Local law enforcement agencies must provide a diverse police force with an emphasis of employing mostly African-American police officers to areas that are predominately African-American until a level of trust can be achieved in these areas. It is an utter tragedy that over 2000 people have been shot in the suburbs of Chicago alone this year with 427 fatalities. Some of these numbers include children as well, we must protect our children as they are our future generation. Bottom-line the Government has been a failure to these people in these neighborhoods. Additionally, a law must be enacted that prevents protesters from breaking the law to include stopping the flow of commerce by blocking local roads and interstates.
25. The local and state governments must develop a committee to work with the local African-Americans leaders to develop a path forward for peace and stability. Note the government shall and never will give into violent protest to meet ones objectives. The great MLK never once advocated violence to get the civil rights enacted and all citizens shall take note of his achievement. He was a great great man!
26. The U.S. and State Governments shall develop a budget for rebuilding our inner cities by Oct 2017.
27. The U.S. and State Governments shall develop a budget for rebuilding our current infrastructure (highways, bridges, etc. something Obama promised) by Oct 2017.
28. Defense spending: The US shall increase and maintain a military force strength that’s able to defend and repel our nation greatest threats China and Russian. This strength must be set by military leaders and approved by congress and only congress will be able to change this strength force in the future. Technology research and development spending must be capped to meet a 20 year projection with the objective to defeat other advisories technology during this time frame. In the event new evidence presents itself through our intelligent agencies that our advisories have more advance technology, then the military leaders will readdress their concerns through the defense over site committee for additional funds. If current technologies meets our requirements then our military must build off of current technologies and apply an operational and maintenance budget to maintain said technology. The days of big defense contractors pumping money into campaign budgets must end. Rather they can still pay lobbyist as much as they want to try and meet their objectives without the added influence of donations.
29. The U.S. must develop a reasonable solution to climate change that has the least financial impact on our manufacturing industry and meets our objectives. As determined by scientific experts. If other countries do not share our environmental concerns (such as China) then the U.S. will need to impose an environmental tariff tax for the importation of their goods. It is not fair for U.S. based business to bare this burden for the rest of the world.
30. Provide a press/media congressional oversight committee to ensure equal, unbiased factual information is being presented to the public. It also shall be law that no member, CEO, president, or any individual employed by the press/media outlet shall have relatives or members of the press/media employed by the U.S. Government to include any business owed by members of the U.S. government or any Foundation managed by a member or family member of the U.S. government. These press/media outlets shall be granted a five year accreditation which shall be maintained by the U.S. government and made available to all U.S. citizens on a secure Government website.
31. The U.S. government shall enact a law in which no U.S. citizen shall have the authority to directly influence U.S. Government domestic or foreign policies. And, said law shall protect whistle blowers from coming forth providing evidence to the fact. If individuals want to influence polices they must go through their local representatives just like the rest of the U.S. citizens.
32. The U.S government shall enact a law to protect all whistle blowers from providing evidence that any government agency to include the military is in violation of the constitution of the U.S. or current laws. These individuals must be able to route their concern through an independent oversight committee for legal vetting before information becomes public to prevent any accidental releases of information and to protect these individuals. This oversight committee must be an independent contracted private agency with no government influence. All members of this committee must be able to obtain TS SCI clearances.
33. The U.S. government must enact a law to provide utmost Government transparency to its citizen’s within the realm of need to know. Example if the government does something that is secret and after the fact it becomes not-secret the public deserves the right to know. A congressional oversight committee will need to be developed to ensure this enforced.
34. Provide a faster means of ridding the Government of elected positions to include the President of the United States in the event they have an unfavorable rating of 70% for two consecutive 6 month periods. One suggestion is to hold an election for removal.
35. The U.S. government must provide stricter voting laws to include: 1. All U.S. Citizens shall have a voter identification cards similar to a U.S. military ID cards with an encoded chip that has the voter’s information on it. 2. Provide a voting station which individuals can insert their voting card to vote. 3. Allow individuals to vote from home using their individual ID cards using approved software and a common access card reader. 3. Develop a contract to have a software contractor provide voting software. 4. Make it possible to have random quality control checks performed by independent software agencies to ensure voting software is not manipulated. 5. Make it possible to also allow U.S. citizens to hire independent qualified software companies to preform random quality control checks on the voting software to ensure tampering is not taking place at the citizen’s expense.
36. In the event item 35 is in place allow U.S. citizens to vote on more issues, laws, government policies, etc. These individuals will need to pass a knowledge test for the subject matter on the voting software for such laws before the software will allow them to vote.
37. Ensue that presidential candidates do not run on a biased ticket i.e. if they are Christian they must leave Christianity out of their speeches, if they are LGBT they must leave this out of their speeches, with the point being they cannot appeal to one majority without appealing or meeting the demands of another majority. Bottom-line they cannot discriminate against anyone in this country! All citizens who hold a majority shall have the right to have equal treatment under the law without bias treatment.
38. All members of Congress must be able to obtain and maintain a TS SCI clearance throughout the duration of their Government tenure.
39. Do away with the department of education and return education management back to the states. Do away with common core.
40. The U.S. shall ensure all allies in the UN are paying their share of protection we offer them. In the event they do not pay we shall have the authority through international law to freeze funds monies held in U.S. banks from these nations and or subtract the amount they owe from any monies borrowed from them.
41. Abortion must remain legal and the fetus must be terminated in X amount of time as determined by qualified Doctors representing each major party.
42. Religious freedoms in this country must be upheld and shall remain separate from the state. Our educational system shall not encourage or force our children to engage in any particular religious group nor shall they present any biased political or liberal opinion to our kids. It shall be up to the students on their own accord and their own free time to practice any freedoms to which they shall not force or encourage others to participate. Rather it shall be up to the individual if they want to participate. The freedom of free will and free thinking is the corner stone of our society.
43. The FBI, NSA, CIA shall have the authority to monitor any data traffic from hostile countries or from any individuals as determined and approved from local or foreign governmental judicial systems as being threats to our country. Outside of those realms whistle blowers are encouraged to report abuse through proper channels. We shall not become a police state!
44. The U.S. government shall pay back all monies borrowed from social security and enact a law to prevent future borrowing from this coffer. The deadline to pay monies back shall be set to Oct 2017 to correct this injustice.
45. CEO bonus and salaries shall be set by a congressional oversight committee. It is not fair for citizens of any country to bear the additional cost of goods or especially for medications at the expense of making other rich beyond what is reasonable and fair.
46. Our Government shall work with other Governments to ensure we are all on the same playing filed or impose tariff taxes if they refuse to cooperate.

This is the start of reforming the Government to ensure it’s for the people and by the people and returned to the people, Not for the most rich and influential members of our great United States. Or that it overwhelming caters to any particular organization, religion or political faction.

We may have more concerns we want to address in the future, but this is a start to an end of the corruption and injustice that has so plagued us. As you are well aware are nation is more divided than ever and it’s time to bring our nation back to one before it is too late. What we are asking for is fairness, equality, justice for all and nondiscrimination which are not an unreasonable request.

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The Call for a Convention of States to Restore Balance to the U.S. Government petition to All legal Residents of the United States was written by bobby akins and is in the category Politics at GoPetition.

Petition Tags

Convention of States