Community College of Baltimore County
United States of America

After the events of the Columbine shootings the Virginia Tech massacre, students are concerned for their welfare when in an educational environment.

It has been proven that the individuals who caused these violent events suffered severe psychological problems either caused at home or at school. If these people were more socialized, the chances of the violence ever occurring would be greatly lessened.

Many state universities have implemented a "Buddy Program" in order to aid undergraduates in coping with the major stresses associated with entering a new educational environment. Volunteer uppergraduates are paired with an undergraduate to help them through their first year. Phone numbers as well as e-mails are exchanged, and the undergraduate feels more at ease knowing they have someone they can call if they need help or advice.

There are multiple benefits of this program, and it should also be implemented at CCBC.

We, the undersigned, call on the student services of The Community College of Baltimore County to implement a buddy program for all those who desire to volunteer themselves.

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The Buddy Program at The Community College of Baltimore County petition to Community College of Baltimore County was written by Amber and is in the category Education at GoPetition.