Burton's Foods
United Kingdom

There are thousands of people who fondly remember Burton's Potato Puffs as the BEST savoury snack produced.

They were withdrawn from production many years ago and we want them back!!!!

We the undersigned would like to petition the Burton's Food Group to reintroduce the production of Burton's Potato Puffs.

There are thousands of people who fondly remember the unique taste of Burton's Potato Puffs and no other savour snack comes close in our opinion.

There is, undoubtedly, a strong demand and market for this snack to go back into production and we ask that you reconsider your current stance or not intending to reintroduce them?

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The Bring Back Burton's Potato Puffs!! petition to Burton's Foods was written by Moyra Hassan and is in the category Miscellaneous at GoPetition.