#Energy drinks
Energy drink companies
United States of America

A recent phenomon has surfaced, energy drinks. Originally intended to povide a boost for larger individuals, alarmingly they have become extremely popular with youth, especially around the age of 10.

Currently there are no restrictions on who can buy energy drinks. Personally, our orginization knows a child with a serious heart condition, and the parents of said child allow him to drink energy drinks. The child becomes brezerk and has damaged property, when under the influence of the drinks. You may have seen similar children.

Energy drinks are not reccomened for "Pregnant women, children, and people sensitve to caffine. Limit 3 cans per day." Even energy drink companies do not reccomend children under the age of 13 to have energy drinks. By signing this petition you will convince congress to ban children under the age of 13 to purchase, possess, or consume energy drinks. Thank you for your signature.

I belive congress should ban energy drinks nationwide for children under the age of 13.

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The Ban Energy drinks petition to Energy drink companies was written by Chandler Newton and is in the category Miscellaneous at GoPetition.