#Civil Rights

Kulturna zaklada podunavskih Nijemaca šokirana je činjenicom da masovni ubojica Tito još uvijek ima najviše odličje Savezne republike Njemačke. Stoga je Kulturna zaklada Nijemaca zajedno sa Saveznom udrugom podunavskih Nijemaca (u Njemačkoj),poslala zahtjev njemačkom predsjedniku Christianu Wulffu da se ovom komunističkom diktatoru posthumno oduzme ovo odličje. Dajemo na znanje i slobodno raspolaganje ovo priopćenje koje smo jučer stavili na našu internetsku stranicu: www.kulturstiftung.donauschwaben.net/ pod rubriku :

Podunavski Nijemci zahtijevaju: Predsjednik SR Njemačke, C. Wulff treba Titu oduzeti odličje.

Stoga su udruge podunavskih Nijemaca zajedno sa Kulturnom zakladom podunavskih Nijemaca u siječnju 2011.godine poslale zahtjev njemačkom predsjedniku Christianu Wulffu da mu se ovo odličje posthumno oduzme.

Na čelu s partizanskim vođom Titom odlučilo je Antifašističko vijeće narodnog oslobođenja Jugoslavije (AVNOJ) već u studenom 1944.g. da se Nijemcima ( s područja Jugoslavije) oduzmu sva građanska prava i sva imovina. Otprilike polovica podunavskih Nijemaca spasila se bijegom pred Crvenom armijom i nadolazećim partizanima. 200 000 koji su ostali u domovini pali su u ruke Titovih partizana, protjerani su iz svojih kuća i poslani u masovne logore. Samo u razdoblju od jeseni 1944. do ožujka 1948.g. računa se da je u tim logorima svoje živote ostavilo oko 50 000 podunavskih Nijemaca,civila, uglavnom djece, žena i staraca.

U vrijeme kada se na području bivše Jugoslavije neprestano otkrivaju nove masovne grobnice sa žrtvama Titovog režima, udruge i Kulturna zaklada podunavskih Nijemaca smatraju da je hitno potrebno Titu posthumno oduzeti dodijeljeno odličje.

Komunističkom diktatoru odličje je dodijelio njemački predsjednik Gustav Heinemann 1974.g. kada je Tito bio u višednevnom posjetu Saveznoj republici Njemačkoj.

Dear Friends of Danube Swabians

The Danube Swabian Cultural Foundation is shocked that the ex-Yugoslav mass murderer, the former president Josip Broz Tito, still holds the high German Award. Therefore, the Danube Swabian Cultural Foundation, along with the Federation of the branch office of the Danube Swabians (in Germany) sent a request to president Christian Wulff of the Federal Republic of Germany, requesting the posthumous removal of this high award bestowed on the Communist dictator.

Please be informed that this message in German was posted on our website under "News":


Danube Swabians Request: President Christian Wulff must strip off the ex-Yugoslav Dictator J. Broz Tito of the High German Award

"It is with great distress that Danube Swabians and the Danube Swabian Cultural Foundation learned that the former Yugoslav leader Josip Broz Tito is still listed as a beneficiary of the highest German decoration (Großkreuz). Therefore, the Federal Association of the Danube Swabians, together with Danube Swabian Cultural Foundation, requested President Christian Wulff, in January 2011, to posthumously remove that high Award from that former Yugoslav dictator.
Tito, as the leader of the Communist partisans, at the helm of the Communist "Anti-Fascist Council of People's Liberation of Yugoslavia" (AVNOJ), made a decision in November 1944, to collectively revoke civil rights of all civilian ethnic Germans and confiscate all their property. Approximately, half of the Danube Swabians fled in front of the Red Army and approaching Yugoslav partisans. The remaining 200 000 ethnic German civilians, however, remained at their homes. Subsequently, they fell into the hands of Tito's partisans; they were expelled from their homes and sent to concentration camps in communist Yugoslavia. In those camps, which operated from autumn 1944 until March 1948, more than 50 000 Danube Swabian civilians perished – mostly children, women and elderly people."

At a time when on the territory of former Yugoslavia new mass graves are constantly unearthed, with civilian Croat and German casualties inflicted by the Tito-regime, the Cultural Foundation of Danube Swabians considers it an imperative to revoke the German Award given to Tito. In the year 1974 that “honor” to the communist dictator was extended by German President Gustav Heinemann, during Tito’s state visit to the Federal Republic of Germany.

Werner Harasym
Chairman of the Danube Swabian Cultural Foundation
(Dr Tom. Sunic)
(author )

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The Podunavski Nijemci zahtijevaju: Predsjednik SR Njemačke, C. Wulff treba Titu oduzeti odličje. petition to www.kulturstiftung.donauschwaben.net/ was written by Koepf and is in the category Civil Rights at GoPetition.