#Arts & Entertainment
Support MyArtPlot.com - 10,000 signatures of supporters will be sent to the MAP Loft
United States of America

MyArtPlot.com is a global art community and support platform. It changes the way artists, crafters, and supporters work.

MyArtPlot is the art industry and interest's single effort to unify the art world. Social, professional, and commercial tools exist here.

If we get 10,000 signatures of supporters, who join MAP, we will send the petition to the MAP Loft (MyArtPlot's headquarters) where they will honor the list in an exhibit.

GoPetition respects your privacy.

The Support MyArtPlot.com & Share This Art Community with Every Artist petition to Support MyArtPlot.com - 10,000 signatures of supporters will be sent to the MAP Loft was written by BobLee and is in the category Arts & Entertainment at GoPetition.